XXXVII - Own Good

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I started and finished this chapter in less than an hour and I'm so proud of myself now

Enjoy :3

Also since I finished it so fast there's gonna be some typos so sorryyyyyy


Chapter Thirty-Seven

It was hours before she could finally bring herself to wash the blood from her body completely. She had gotten back to her hotel room when the gravity of what she had done truly hit her. She had murdered twelve people. She didn't even question if any of them were innocent. What if they were? What if Mason and two of his brothers were the only ones at fault? What if she had murdered nine other people that hadn't deserved it?

When she finally did force herself to the bathroom, she did it quickly. She tore off her clothes, ripping the bloody fabric to pieces before getting into the shower and scrubbing her skin so hard that it turned red and was almost numb of all feeling. She felt dirty. She felt disgusting. The thoughts of her victims drove her mad, her mind nearly consumed. It was terrifying.

And now, she stayed seated on a bench, almost oblivious to the thousands of people that swarmed around her. They were enjoying the festivities, while her mind was clouded with anger and guilt.

She had gone nearly three hundred years without killing someone. Valneer was the first death caused by her hand directly since 1728. And after that, it was the people who had attacked them and murdered Kayla and Amond. Then it was the men who tried to assassinate Loki. Then it was the young werewolf on the road. And now, she had murdered those twelve men and woman, without knowing if all of them were guilty.

She hadn't been thinking straight. She simply wasn't in her right mind when she killed. When she was angered, she was ruthless. She did not take time to think about her actions and contemplate other forms of approach. She had lost someone she loved, and she was enraged. So she acted in the only way she knew how to. Had she expected herself to do nothing? No, of course not. But she had expected to have more self control.

Seline could control her urge to feed, but unlike all of the other vampires she had met, her emotions took control of her. They ruined her.

She tried to pull herself out of her own mind and looked around at the many people that surrounded her.

Mardi Gras had started that very day. It was classic New Orleans. There had been a murder the night before, but that wasn't going to stop them from throwing their party. New Orleans had been through so much over the years that nothing seemed to tear it down. It had burned to the ground once, and been subject to the destruction of storms and hurricanes a thousand times over. But that never stopped them. They were strong. Why couldn't she be like them?

She stood up and walked up and down the streets for a while, seeing if she could distract herself. So far, it wasn't working. Her thoughts were like fire, they were burning the inside of her mind and turning it to ash.

It was all darkness in her mind. She couldn't feel anything after a while. The more she walked, and the more she thought, the more numb she became. The pain faded and so did the sadness. Her emotions were fading, she could feel it. But she didn't want that.

She went into an alleyway and leaned against the wall, the people walking along the streets being too caught up in their own worlds to see her. She touched her hands to her face and rubbed at her eyes, then stood up straight and walked back out to see the people.

But as she did, she saw someone she didn't ever think she would again. It was the man that she had rescued two years ago in New York, the man with the bow and arrow. Why was he here? More specifically, why did he look as if he were searching for someone in the crowd?

She turned and walked in the other direction, only to see another man she didn't expect to see again. Thor.

Neither of these men wore their usual suits, and she knew that it was because they wanted to remain unknown and unseen. They had failed, of course.

Seline didn't want to be found. Not right now. If SHIELD was after her, then she needed to see just how many there were. And then she needed to go.

She crossed the street, going in between the line of sight of the two men, but luckily, neither seemed to see her. She ducked into another alleyway, and looked up between the walls. It looked like she was in between two rather large buildings, meaning she would have the advantage by seeing them from above. She jumped and kicked between the walls, reaching the roof quietly and with ease.

She went to the edge, and looked down at the crowd. There were a few people that seemed to be scanning the crowd, and she recognized a few of them. All of them were members of the Avengers. Well, all except for one.


He searched the crowd wildly, and it was only then that she saw that he had an earpiece. His head suddenly whipped around and he looked right up at the roof, looking her right in the eyes. He paused a moment before pressing his hand to the earpiece and saying something, which she didn't bother to listen in to.

Was he helping them? Why? What did SHIELD want to do with her? Why was Thor looking for her? Had something else happened in Asgard?

She couldn't deal with SHIELD right now. She needed to get back to Jordan.

She turned to go back to the alleyway she had come from, only to come face to face with the last person she had expected to see. Her body hit his chest and she looked right up at him, a mixture of shock and horror coming over her. He was here? In Midgard?

"Loki?" she whispered.

His expression was unreadable. It was a mix of regret and pain, but also of relief and happiness. Was he disappointed in her? Did he know what she had done? Was he helping SHIELD too?

He took a step forwards, but she took one backwards, only to feel her back hit yet another chest. She spun around to see her best friend standing there.

Jordan looked much better than he did before, but concern and fear were the only expressions that seemed to cross over his face.

Before she could stop him, she felt a pin-prick on the left side of her neck, and soon realized it was a needle. He pushed the contents from the syringe and into her veins, and a numb and tingling feeling soon overcame her.

"Sorry," he muttered. "But this is for your own good, my friend."

She fell forwards and Jordan caught her, lowering her down to the ground. Her vision began to blur and her limbs went completely limp. She looked up to see Jordan crouching over her, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders and holding her torso up off of the ground.

Loki stared down at her, and that was the last thing that she saw before darkness overcame her.

But little did they know, a far more horrific form of darkness had already corrupted her mind and soul. A numbness, a lacking of emotions that made her human.

And it was up to them to bring her the light she needed.  

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