XXVII - Dangerous

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This was all written on my phone sO DO NOT BE A DICK AND POINT OUT ALL MY TYPOS, JORDAN.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

As the days passed, and as the number of Aesir in the city grew, Seline was finding it harder and harder to keep control of her hunger. She had decided it was best to avoid the many people in the castle, especially Loki. At least, she would avoid them until she fed again.

She had thought she had more time. She didn't think it would come to her in waves, as if she were going through withdrawal. But she was proven wrong when she awoke on the fourth night of Jul, her throat feeling as if it was burning and her senses both dulled and yet, intensified.

It felt like acid had been poured into her throat, and the only thing she could think of that could help it was blood. Specifically, the blood of an Aesir. Her vision was blurring and distorted, as if she had tears in her eyes that prevented her from seeing properly. Her hearing, however, was stronger. She could hear a thousand voices in the kingdom and beyond that. She could hear the animals in the forests and the children moving in their sleep from the dreams and nightmares they were having and she could even hear the sound of the mice in the walls waiting for the cooks to go to sleep so they could feast on whatever food they could find. It made her want to cover her ears and bury herself alive just so that she could stop herself from doing something she knew she would forget, but she didn't. The only way to stop this was to feed. She had to.

As she struggled to get out of her bed, she fell to her knees once she did and began to feel the one thing she truly hated about being a vampire. She began to feel her eyes shifting colour to their true form, a red that was darker than the blood she feasted on. It was only a few moments after that she felt her fangs begin to poke into her bottom lip as well.

"No," she whispered, the frustration now coursing through her. "No, no, no!" she said, her voice rising to a shout as she slapped her hand against the floor tile. She heard a loud crack, and to her horror, the thick marble had smashed under her grip. The cracks streaked like lines across a page, and the amount of these lines and the deepness of them frightened her. That meant that her strength was no longer under her control, and she didn't want even want to think about her speed.

She needed to leave. She just needed to get to the forest. While it did bother her and pain her to feed on innocent animals, it was better than losing control and feeding on the Aesir. She knew that if she got even the smallest taste of even human blood, she wouldn't be able to stop herself. The blood of gods would surely be a whole hell of a lot harder to resist.

She was thankful that it was late in the night, because there were only a few people awake in the castle.

However, it seemed that Loki didn't want to sleep that night.

She went down the halls until she came to the one that led to the courtyard. There were pillars to her left, and she kept her hand on them as she continued to walk. But soon, she saw him. Or, rather, she caught the scent of his blood.

She saw him in the far corner of the courtyard. He was walking the paths with his back turned to her. He looked almost out of place among the beautiful flowers and the trees that towered over him. But at the same time, he seemed comfortable. Happy.

She couldn't help but watch him. If only for a few moments, she forgot about the hunger. She saw him, and she didn't think about anything else.

He continued to walk until he suddenly froze once he passed a small bundle of dark red flowers, a plant that was as beautiful to her as it was unfamiliar. At least, that was what she imagined it looked like. The flowers were dark brown and almost black, looking as if they might crumble under her fingertips if she just barely grazed them.

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