XL - Unconventional

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Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. Getting prepared for school + it starting got in the way, I guess? I dunno.

I got a Macbook a few days ago which means I'll probably be able to write more often. :3

Hope you like it. 


Chapter Fourty

Loki was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. He kept staring at the door that led to the room Seline was being held in. He wanted to go inside, but Fury had said that no one was allowed to until he had had a proper talk with her.

It became clear that that rule didn't apply to some people when Jordan came out of the hallway. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, and a ghost of a smile came over his face when he saw Loki standing there.

"I can't help but wonder why you haven't tried to teleport yourself into her cell yet," he said.

"Fury has told us not to," Loki muttered, looking around him at the corner of the hallway.

"I'm sorry, are you not Loki, the God of Mischief?"

Loki raised a brow, then narrowed his eyes at him. "Pardon?"

"You're known for breaking and finding a way around the rules," he said, smiling. "She needs you. Now go."

"How exactly did you even get in there on your own? Did Fury not lock all of the doors?"

"Dude, I'm a hundred and fifty year-old vampire. They can't stop me with a few machine locks."

Loki smirked a little. Aside from Seline, he could always tell when someone was lying to him. It seemed that Jordan could tell, because he sighed loudly.

"Fine," he groaned, then pulled a card in a plastic case from his back pocket. When Loki took a closer look at the name and photo on the card, he simply couldn't help but grin. It belonged to none other than Phil Coulson.

"I swiped it from him when he walked past me. It's not that hard when you can move faster than the human eye can process," he chuckled. "It's also not that hard to kick the door down, but this was much more fun."

Loki nodded, still smirking a little. He could see why Seline liked this man so much. He was rather amusing to be around.

"Here," Jordan held the card out to him. "You'll need it to get back through the door."

"Who ever said that opening it was the only way to get through?"

Jordan blinked a few times. "What, you can walk through walls or something?"

Loki grinned.

"Are you serious?"

Loki just hummed in reply, then walked past Jordan and down the hallway.

He never was one to follow the rules, after all. His methods were unconventional at best.

His almost cheerful mood faded rather quickly when he reached the outside of the room. There was a door and a wall of glass between him and Seline, and it felt as if they were miles apart. He didn't like that.

He placed his hand against the metal door, and then concentrated before he closed his eyes. If he had them open, he would see his skin slowly moving transparent, and he would begin to feel not even the warm air coming from the vents on him. He took a step forward and tried his hardest to imagine himself going through the door. And when he finally opened his eyes again, he was in the same room as Seline's cell.

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