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****Hey, I'm switching to writing in third person, sorry if its confusing, but its so much easier to write. :)****

It didn't take long for Blue to persuade Millicent to come to Fox Way. Blue told her that they were the only ones at this moment who could help figure out how this happened. As the five of them left the house, Millicent felt the cold bite of the air along the back of her neck. Just one more reason why she didn't like going outside.

So now, here was Millicent, in the back of a very loud orange Camaro. Blue was driving, It was her car after all, and Gansey (The name he said he preferred) was sitting in the passenger seat. Ronan and Adam were following behind in a black BMW.

They pulled up to a blue house with the number 300 on the front. The BMW pulled up behind them. The five of them walked up the walkway and entered through the front door. There was currently a woman walking down the stairs that you could see from the doorway. As soon as Millicent crossed the thresh hold, the woman froze in her spot and stared at her.

"Blue." She said "I need you to leave."

Blue nodded and turned back to the door.

"Take Gansey with you." She instructed. "Adam and Ronan, take he to the parlor."

Everyone, Including Millicent, followed her orders.

The parlor was a room with mismatched furniture, and a signed picture of Steve Martin. Millicent sat in one of the chairs, Ronan threw himself heavily onto the couch, and Adam sat next to him.

The woman from the stairs came back with two other women, one had dark skin and high arching eyebrows, and the other had pale skin and a huge pile of dark hair.

"I'm Maura, Blue's mom. This is Calla, and Gwenllian." the lady from the stairs said, gesturing first to the dark skinned one, then the one with the hair.

"Humor me." Calla said. "Why are you here today?"

"She came from Ire-" Adam started but Calla cut him off with a glare.

All eyes were on Millicent.

"W...well I...I was hiking with friends a little ways away from Dublin. I stepped of the path for one second, because I thought I saw a raven, and they're my favorite type of birds. When I blinked, I wasn't in the forest anymore. "

As one, Calla, Maura and Gwenllian turned to Ronan and Adam.

Ronan sat back against the couch and lifted his chin a bit, "Chainsaw disappeared for a second, and when she came back, so did..." He gestured to Millicent

Calla and Maura regarded Millicent as if she were something dangerous.

"We'll look into it." Calla said, standing up and stomping away. Millicent didn't think Calla was angry, she just seemed like someone who would stomp everywhere.

Gwenllian followed Calla out of the room, leaving Maura alone with Adam, Ronan and Millicent.

"I need to get home." Millicent said

"I know." Maura said.

Ronan took his phone out and handed it to Adam, who immediately went to typing.

The entire room was silent for a minute. Adam let out a small surprised gasp, everyone looked to him.

"Most of the East coast airlines are snowed in, and the ones that aren't are sold out."

"What about D.C. or Chicago?" Maura asked.

Adam typed some more, "Nope, the flights all connect in New York."

Maura turned to Millicent. "I'm sorry, I guess we'll just have to wait."

Millicent bit her tongue.

"You'll have to stay with one of the boys. Something about your energy had me on edge, and with Blue around it would be even worse."

Millicent nodded sadly, she wasn't comfortable with any of them, but Maura had the nice mom feel to her. To her, all the boys seemed intimidating.

"Like Calla said, we'll work on it okay?" Maura assured.

Millicent nodded again. The room went silent.
Millicent was in the black BMW. Adam sat in the passenger seat and Ronan in the drivers.
Millicent was silently sitting in the back, staring out the tinted window. Finally she worked up the nerve to say something.
"So, that girl back at that farm house." She started, hoping one of the boys would pick up where she'd left off.
"Opal." Ronan corrected
"Right, Opal. Did she have hooves?"
Ronan shared a pointed glance with Adam, as if they'd already had a conversation about this.
"No, why do you think she has hooves?" Adam asked.
"No. I know she does, and now I'm trying to figure out why you would lie to me about something I know I saw." It was easily the boldest thing Millicent had said...ever.
"I never lie." Ronan said
Millicent looked at him in surprise, he looked like the lying sort.
Adam handed her Ronan's phone. She looked at him questioningly.
"You should probably call home, just to tell them that you're okay." He explained
Millicent looked down to the sleek black iPhone and handed it back to Adam. "No, they'd want an explanation for why I'm calling off of a telephone from the States."
Adam took the phone back from her.
"Am I staying at the farm?" She asked, feeling a little more comfortable talking now that she knew that they were friends with someone her father knows and approves of.
"The Barns." Ronan corrected
"Yea I guess for now." Adam shrugged
"We all would rather you not, but seeing as Gansey is also staying there, it is the only option." Ronan said. Millicent tried not to take his insult to heart. They drove on, getting further and further into the country, until finally they made it to 'the Barns'
In the driveway was an orange Camaro. Millicent relaxed a little, if her car was here then so was Blue. But as she got closer, she noticed that this one looked a little more worn than Blue's
Seeing her confusion Adam jumped in quickly, "they have the same car."
"It's not a car you see often." Millicent commented lightly
"It's purely a coincidence." Ronan said with a sharp smirk.

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