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"Fine." Gansey said.
It had taken an hour of arguing before he'd caved, and even then,Millicent had to threaten to call her parents and tell them that she'd been kidnapped.
"Your negotiating skills aren't that good." Ronan commented from the doorway.
"Do you want me to punch you again?" She snapped, not knowing where all this new confidence came from.
Ronan shrugged.
"Okay so, this may be a little hard to understand, but Ronan can take things out of his dreams."
Millicent felt her eyes widen. But she quickly composed herself, not wanting to make a scene.
"Really that's the best you can come up with?" Ronan mocked, repeating my words from earlier.
"So the wolf from earlier?" She said, not wanting to call it a black shuck because she wasn't sure that that's what is was.
"Yes." Gansey said
"And Opal? And everything in this house?"
Gansey nodded.
Millicent's mind was running amok. She wished so much that she'd never been transported here. She closed her eyes, tears threatening to course down her cheeks.
Then the oddest thing happened. She physically felt herself flicker, her stomach dropped and she opened her eyes.
She was back in the forest. Jared and the rest of Clarissa's group were gone.
Millicent, confused and afraid, started toward the path.
"Millicent!" A voice called. She stumbled toward the voice, nearly tripping over her own feet. 
Though the forest she could see Jared. 
"Millicent!" He said, starting to run toward her.
Her feet were still bare and she was still wearing Blue's rainbow sweater.  Jared ran all the way to her, embracing her and swinging her off her feet. Pain laced up her arm, and she let out a gasp of pain.
Jared put her down and held her at arms length, his eyes didn't miss the bandage on her arm.
"What happened to you?"
Millicent wracked her brain for a reasonable answer. "I..uh fell off the path. I think I hit my head."
"Millicent."Jared said. " I've known you for five years. I can tell that you're lying."
Millicent met his eyes. "I'm not."
"What about your arm?"
Millicent licked her lips. There was no getting around that question.
Millicent's heart picked up and she did the only thing she could think of. She fake fainted.
Jared caught her and lifted her up bridal style.
She dramatically let her eyes flutter, then settled on letting them close.
"Millicent?" He asked
Millicent did her best to keep her eyes closed, but when your crush is holding you and you can feel his breath lightly tickling your face it's hard to keep a straight face.
"You found her!" Said a voice that belonged to her cousin Clarissa.
"She was just awake, but she fainted." Jared answered, his chest rumbling with his voice. She heard footsteps as Clarissa came closer.
"She was breathing and taking though?"
"Yea, it wasn't until I asked her about what'd happened to her arm that she collapsed."
Clarissa chuckled and her footsteps grew closer.
"Millicent, you and I both know that you're faking it."
Millicent didn't cave. She kept her eyes closed. Clarissa poked her cheek, and when Millicent didn't react. Clarissa whispered something to Jared.
Millicent stretched her ears, but she couldn't hear what Clarissa was saying.
Millicent shifted in Jared's arms. Her weight threw him off though. Jared's arms gave out and Millicent felt herself falling. A surge of energy rushed through Millicent, one she recognized by now.
Before she could even hit the ground, she felt the air around her change.
She opened her eyes to Gansey, Adam and Ronan.

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