Chapter One

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Breathe. Breathe in...and out...and in....and out. Nope, not helping at all. My hands shook and I sighed in hopes of calming my nerves. Still not working. Okay, think. Why am I nervous? Wait, why would I ask that? I know why I'm nervous but I've got no time to tell you why. I took another look around me. All I see is trees, well I see a building too. More importantly, a school. Possibly my new school for the next few years. Possibly you may wonder, well there are two reason towards that. I move a lot, and I probably won't get accepted. I mean who the hell would want a student who can send people bursting into flames and much more I don't want to get into at the moment.

I looked around again, seeing a few students that go to the school walking around campus in their uniforms. Now any normal person would flip at the thought of wearing a uniform, but truthfully it's not too bad.

Why would I want to go to a school like this? Well its the only school I actually can go to. I mean I can go to other schools but I'd have to hide, not really hide. More of hide who I actually am, sorta like going undercover. You look normal, like yourself, but you don't act like it. Not really at least.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself and shivering. It was quite cold out, but not as cold as London by far. A shrill noise filled the air, it took me a minute to realize it was just the bell. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, I really can be an idiot. Guess I'll just add that to my list of reasons why I won't get accepted.

Students poured out of the school, all headed to the café. One huge crowd with a few stragglers, but not quite stragglers. They all seemed be a group. I suppose the noticed me staring, at least one of the taller ones did. He started marching over to me, obviously pissed about who knows what.

Just great, not even my first day and I've already got some fucker mad at me. , I thought to myself scoffing and rolling my eyes. The moment he was close enough he knew I could hear him he began hollering. "What exactly do you think you're looking at?", he said obviously angered about something I was unaware I'd done.

I shrugged, rolling my eyes and quickly replied in my heavily British accent, "Obviously a hot head who doesn't know his place." His expression shifted to shock then right back to anger, "What's your name, so I can address you properly."

Once again I rolled my eyes, "You must think I'm an idiot, as if I don't know my way around this world. Ha, please I'm not as stupid as the other girls around here. So run along and you play your little games else where."

Right as he seemed to be ready to attack me a guy walked over. Taller than the one standing in front of me. He didn't say a single word but squeezed his shoulder causing the shorter one to walk away as though nothing happened.

I frowned up at him, "I could've handled him y'know.." I trailed off as he looked me in the eye, "Really, because I think you would've gotten yourself killed. At least that was the looks of it." I didn't reply, didn't see a need to because he continued rambling about how Hot Head could've killed me.

I listened, for maybe two minutes before sighing and interrupting him. "Look here buddy, I can handle myself. I don't need some guy looking out for me. And even if he were to kill me, I won't give a damn. I mean he'd be doing me a favor. Anything else?", I finished crossing my arms and glaring up at him.

Before he could even register what I'd said I walked away. Though it probably wasn't the best idea because I had absolutely no clue where I was going. So rather than expertly storming off I got myself lost. I sighed, kicking at the ground and sighing, " Just what I need today... "

I wandered around before deciding I should probably try to find my way back to the school. "Time to actually put some of my powers to use..", I trailed off to myself before closing my eyes.

'So if I really want to get into this school I've got to fix a few things.' , I thought to myself before sighing. Now being a warlock is very useful, you get what you want even if you have to make it happen. I won't bore you with the process but after a few minutes I was a registered student.

I opened my eyes, jumping up and snapping my fingers to easily change into the school's uniform. Looking down at my hand to make sure I was still wearing my ring from my mother I nodded. Once again being a warlock is quite useful, with a quick flick of my wrist I was in the school.

Walking into the office I stated my name in order to get my schedule then began my adventure of wandering through the halls.

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