Chapter Five

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"I'm protecting you because I feel something different with you then the others", Rin says as he points to a building, "we should go there it would be safe."

I looked up at him confused as to why he'd suggested that we should go 'inside'. It took me a moment to remember how to talk, my mind still replaying what he'd said; "I'm protecting you because I feel something different with you then the others"

Before letting my mind dwell on it I stammered, "W-wait why do you say that? Safe from what?" I mumbled slightly and he pointed up. The could were a very dark gray, almost black and you could hear thunder in the distance.

I quickly nodded and nearly turned to run for the building but instead looked back at him. What Rin had said played through my mind again.

"I'm protecting you because I feel something different with you then the others."

What does he mean 'the others' and how the hell am I different? What about me is different?

I didn't realize I was staring at him until he spoke up. "What's that look for?", he asked in a soft tone not needed to speak that loud from how close we were. I blushed and shook my head, taking a half step backwards. "N-nothing, let's go before it starts raining..", and with that I turned and ran hoping Rin was right behind me.

As I ran up to the building I flicked my wrist causing the door to fly open. I ran inside just as it started raining, unfortunately for Rin he was stuck in the rain. I covered my mouth trying to not laugh at him as he got closer to the building.

Once he ran inside I quickly closed the door, giggling softly I turned around and only then did I get a good look at the building which looked more like a barn. Rin on the other hand wasn't laughing, more of violently glaring at me. My expression automatically fell and I stepped away slightly frightened.

" Calm down it's just some ra-", I was cut off by a loud clap of thunder causing me to jump and scream. Though Rin seemed amused I just walked to a corner of the building and sat down trying to not focus on the storm raging outside. I sighed and hid my face trying not to jump at any noise from outside, completely ignoring the fact I could feel Rin looking at me.


Is she scared maybe I should go hug her. Would she let me? Let's find out. Rin walks over to Lucy sitting next to her wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close to him. "Don't be afraid I'm here for you I'm gonna protect you if it costs me my life" Rin said as he kisses the top of her head "by the way you asked what I meant by others I mean other people I normally hate people but it's different with you I don't hate you I feel I couldn't hate you." Run says while he looks up as another clap of thunder is heard and Lucy hugs Rin tightly. After a few minutes Rin glanced down at Lucy to find she'd fallen asleep and just laughed softly.

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