Chapter Three

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Walking into the office I stated my name in order to get my schedule then began my adventure of wandering through the halls.

I wandered the halls before it clicked in my head if I tried hard enough I could probably teleport to the classroom. Thankfully just as I appeared in the classroom and sat down in the back the bell rang. But of course there's always one person that has to be late. Who's that one person? Well, I actually know but I've met them since I came here.

After a quick talk with the teacher the kid was told to sit in the to me. I turned to look at him, automatically realizing it was the kid from earlier I glared and turned away.

"H-Hi I'm Rin, Rin Gremory..", the kid -now know as Rin- said softly in a strong accent I couldn't quite place. I turned to look at him again then looked around me because surely he was talking to someone else. Though upon realizing he was in fact looking at me I blushed.

"I-um...Lucy, Lucy Dawn", I said softly in my annoying British accent. The teacher paid no attention to us, which I was sorta happy about. He nodded slightly before speaking again, "Well, nice to meet you..Lucy. Judging by your accent I'm guessing you aren't from around here?"

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "That obvious huh? Well, you are correct. I'm from London, though judging by your accent you aren't from around here either.." He nodded and laughed then mumbled, "Quite observant.."

"Pardon, what was that Rin?", I raised an eyebrow turning to face him. He glared at me slightly before answering in a sassy tone, " Nothing Lucy."

I pressed my hand to my chest as if I was offended by him saying my name and scoffed. He snickered softly and rolled his eyes then the teacher glared at us, "Rin, Lucy did either of you hear what I just said?"

I smirked at her, knowing Rin probably had absolutely no idea. I spoke loudly, "Yes ma'am, you said it is a quite study hall but Rin and I here were discussing a very serious topic." "Oh and what would that be?", she snapped in a even bitchier tone than before.

My smirk grew into a grin and I reached over, grabbing ahold of Rin's arm before saying, " How much of a bitch you are." Then I quickly teleported us out of the classroom to a clearing near the school. My blood boiled and I clenched my fists. 'I fucking hate the people of this school and I haven't even been here for a full day..", I hissed thinking to myself. Hesitantly glancing at Rin.

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