My Heart's a stereo

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                                                                                                My heart's a stereo

                                                                                             Its beats for you so listen close

Elissa sighed happily, as she were covered in another wave of bubbles, due to Geraldene's excessive wriggling and splashing, churning the water over the sides of the bath, puddles of soapy water pooling in puddles on the shining white tiles in a right bloody fashion. "Mummy," Geraldene said, a dob of bubbles on her little brown nose, her afro-ball hair white with foamy shampoo. "It's only something that Auntie Tia told me in the car, but why is London always a good idea?"

Elissa smiled, gave her daughter a kiss on the fore head, and tickled her until she was squealing. "Because it's is true," She replied to the small person of hers in the bath. "It's very true. For example, London is home right?"

                                                                          Hear my thought's in every note

                                                                            oh, oh

Geraldene nodded, and contributed to the newly started conversation. "And, Auntie Tia lives in London, and so does Charlie, and Michael, oh, and daisy, and Harry."

Elissa raised her eyebrows playfully. "Who's Harry, Gerry?"

Gerry giggled and smiled. "When I went to Choccy heaven with Auntie Tia, whilst she was talking to some chickiebabe, he also gave her a ring, I played with Harry, he's in the kindergarten a block or two from mine. He's very nice to me mummy. Next time I go there with Auntie Tia, I'm going to have a play-date with him."

                                                                           Make me your radio

                                                                and turn me up when you feel low

"Hmmm. What does Harry look like?"

                                                                This melody was meant for you

                                                               just sing along to my stereo

"Oh, you know," Geraldene said, waving a hand dismissively. There were three things that made this particular gesture extra funny. For one, she was starkas, in the bath with soap on the end of her nose and in her earholes, she was four, and she was acting exactly like Portia was at sixteen. Elissa started to laugh, her head bowled, and grin unfurling on her round, pale face.

Geraldene flicked Elissa with soapy water, causing Elissa to laugh harder. This, is one of the many things, is why I love that I am a mum, she though quietly.

Even when it includes, swallowing bubbles, bubbles getting splashed into your eyes, soaking wet shirts and jeans, and vast amounts of mopping up afterwards, you're little person pushing the water-filled bucket.

Even when it includes, getting led by the hand by your small person, to swings in the green, or visiting Winter Wonderland in St. James Park, freezing your bum, fingers, nose and toes off, drinking too much hot chocolate and eating too much chocolate for your own good, biting down a good scream when the Wiggles is playing on the TV instead of Inspector Morse or Britain's Got Talent or X Factor.

But, you don't regret a moment of it really.

Even though they drive you mad, and you feel as though you want to ring their neck(s), somehow, I'd be damned not to meet a woman who has regretted, in fact, loathed, having kids, but who has not loved them.

Because, even if children spoiled you're life plan or some other affair, you don't ever not think of them, or wonder about them. Or, don't ever love them a little.

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