Forgetting can be worse than you thought

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So um..I don't know if it's just me rereading this or if people are actually interested, but comment on this chapter telling me what you think will happen in the next chapter, if you're actually reading this. Thank you :)

-Maddi //

Olivia's POV


As soon as I parked my car in the driveway, I walked inside my one story, plain house to find my dog, Chase, running around by the door and scratching it to try to let me in. I have to hurry inside, because Madelyn wanted me to come over and help her study for the Constitution test in our American Government class we're taking. She's very desperate for a teacher, and I'm not the best, but I'll help her out any day.

I hurry and touch up my hair and makeup. It's not too much, just some more mascara, and a little more blush for makeup. Crap! I got mascara on my eyelid with my black smokey eye..Now I'm going to be late to Madelyn's house. I hope she doesn't mind that I'm late.

20 minutes later, I frantically run out to my car with my Government book and my pencil case. I shove my keys into the slot and speed my way to Madelyn's house. I was suppose to be there 15 minutes ago, and she hasn't texted me to see where I am, that's weird. I hope she hasn't forgotten about me.

When I pull onto her street, I see Brody's car in her driveway. She might've forgotten about me, but he could just be visiting for a few minutes, how sweet! I use the key that Madelyn gave me to her house, since I basically live here, and put it in the door handle. Oh dang it, I used the wrong one.. There it is! I put the right one in the handle and turned it.

I turned to my right to see Madelyn jumping off of Brody and act like she was watching the movie the whole time. Brody just sat there, you could tell they were just doing something, if you know what I mean.

"What were you guys doing?!"

He smirked at me and excused himself to the bathroom, wonder why. Madelyn was quiet, but she looked like she was about to break down in tears. I just hugged her while she cried. I don't know what happened, but it surely wasn't good. She heard Brody washing his hands, so she wiped her tears and continued watching the last 15 minutes of After The Ball. He came back out in the living room and looked at Madelyn. She smiled behind the scared and sad look in her eyes, and just as she was about to speak, I did instead.

"Hey Brody, she's about to take a very important test, and she's not feeling too confident, and I need to help her study for it. Could you please leave?" I said it the nicest way I could.

"Of course she is," he said with a scoff and walked out the door. I waited until I didn't hear his car on the street to speak.

"Please tell me what happened," I said to her. She just looked at me and I saw one tear escape her eye. Soon the one turned into a huge flood of them. I hugged her and waited until she calmed a bit, maybe she'd talk.

"H-He started kissing me, a-and," she sniffed and wiped her tears to appear strong, even though I knew she wasn't, "he was trying to put his h-hand up my shirt. I tried to tell him to s-stop, b-but he wouldn't and held me down." At this point, she was a mess. He's such a tool, I don't know why Madelyn even puts up with him. He only wants her for her body, not her personality. I wish I could just bring Luke Hemmings to her and they'd fall in love and live happily ever after. Except, she's bawling in my arms now over some guy who sexually harassed her.

"It's gonna be okay. You need to start by talking to your parents, and then to Brody."

"N-no, I can't, my parents would kill me and then Brody would hurt me if I told on him." I just looked at her for a second. Did she just say what I thought she said? "I-I mean, I'm obviously just kidding around, he'd never hurt me..unless I deserved it, which I do."

"Babe, you can't let him treat you like this. You have to tell your parents or the police, probably both. Please, do this for me. Here, use my phone to call your mom to tell her to come home."

"I-I can't, you do it, I need to use the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll be here." I pulled out my phone and called Madelyn's mom. She sounded scared on the phone, and said that she'd be there in 10 minutes. Madelyn's been in there for a while, maybe I should check on her.

//AN: The next chapter will be in Olivia's POV, and it'll either be a really short chapter or a really long chapter depending if I split it up or not. Was this chapter too long? Too short? Comment and let me know. :) Thank you!


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