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3rd Person's P.O.V

~During the car ride~

"Who is she Mika-nii-chan?" You heard one of the kids clinging on to Mikaela whisper. "Oh, she is Y/N-chan, she used to be my classmate." Mikaela answered back. So Mika is his nickname... That's girlier than Mikaela... "You guys are from the same orphanage?" You asked. "Huh? Oh-um... Yes!" Mikaela was flustered because you weren't speaking majority of the ride.

"Well, since we'll be sticking together. Why don't we introduce ourselves to Y/N-chan?" Mikaela suggested doing the signature smile. He's still smiling despite this crisis we're in. "Why don't you start Yuu-chan?" He pointed at 'Yuu-chan' (A/N: You don't know his real name yet so I added the '') "Why me?" 'Yuu-chan' exclaimed. "What's so hard about introducing? No need to be shy about it." You stated. He glared at you. "Yuuichiro Hyakuya. There happy?" He looked at Mikaela as if asking if that was enough. "I'm really sorry about him Y/N-chan. He just doesn't have a welcoming persona." Mikaela said scratching the back of his head. "I'll just introduce them to you. Hahaha! That is Akane, Chihiro, Kouta, Ako, Fumie, and Taichi." He said pointing at them. "We are a family even though we are not blood related." "Is that so?" Wow, family huh? My only family is my Dad. Well, only in his last few minutes.

The truck halted to a stop, all of the kids inside the truck stiffen up at the sudden jolt. The door was opened by one of the white caped guys. "All of you! Line up and do everything as we say! Clear?" He ordered us sternly. Since the kids know they are still weak they obeyed the man.

Reader's P.O.V

I lined up against my will, behind me was Mikaela and Yuuichiro infront of me was Akane and the other kids. I observed the area we're in, I looked up and found no traces of the sky at all. What is this place? "Listen up!" A man stood on a platform shouted. We turned our attention toward him. "Mant of you are confused and keep asking quesrions, so let me explain to all of you what's happening! This place we are all in is the underground base of vampires here in Japan!" Vampires? "There was a virus that spread outside that annihilated the human race, only people 13 and above can be affected. You are all now livestock of the vampires!" He finished his speech and jumped off the platform. "You've got to be kidding me!" Yuuichiro shouted at the man-I mean vampire? I grabbed his arm and pulled on his ear. "We don't even know what they can do to us, and you decide to challenge them?" I whispered on his ear that I'm pulling. "Ow! Ow! Let go Y/N!" Yuuichiro trashes around you grip. "Ah-ah! You two please stop!" Akane and Mikaela tried to pull you two apart. "Jeez, calm down you two. We might be together for god knows how long." Akane scolded us. Me and Yuuichiro glared at each other and crossed our arms. Hmph who does he even think he is?

When we reached the end of the line they only gave us some clothing. They all looked the same! Oh joy... All of us are gonna have matching outfits. I go to the room whee they ordered us to change. I put on the uniform and searched through the pockets of my previous outfit. Where is it? Where is it? Aha! Found you! I took the cursed gear and ripped the inside of the skirt a little bit and slipped the little stick inside.

I walked out of the changing room and saw the Hyakuyas waiting for me. Whoa, they really are serious about sticking with me. Well I could gain some friends. I sighed and walked up to them. "So what now?" I asked. "What? Well uh... We don't have anywhere to live in." Mikaela stammered. "I see. Well, let's start looking around then." I lead the way, looking around the place for a decent place to live in.

Mika's P.O.V

Man, this is so embarassing! I shouldn't have asked Y/N-chan to help is out. I feel like we are a burden to her! But she still leads the way walking around not afraid of anything. She stopped and looked at a dark alley. "There might be a good spot here." She said. Wait, what? Is she crazy? She wants to look there for shelter? "I know what you're thinking and I'm not crazy! Don't you think this'll be a good spot bacause the vampires don't usually come here?" Sha stated. "We'll just follow what you think is the best." I said blushing. Man, how can we repay her? She just took our request without doubts or complaints! I know! We'll just keep her company! When I saw her she was lonely and didn't have much friends. That's what we'll do.

3rd Person's P.O.V

You entered the dark alley while the other kids were tailing behind your back. You started to walk around and peeking here and there until you found some abandoned houses all lined up. Lucky. You chose the most decent size for you guys. "I think this will do." I said looking at the kids to see if they agree. "Of course this will do Y/N-chan! Thank you so much!" Mikaela said bowing down at a 90 degree angle, blushing.

You guys went inside and got cozy, decide where you all will sleep, eat and stuff. After moving the stuff where you desired them to be you finally sat down and rest. And Mikaela who is as tired as you took a seat beside you.

"Hey Mikaela-" "Just Mika is fine Y/N-chan." "I mean Mika. How did you end up in an orphanage?" You asked curious about his past. "Oh well, my parents abused me and threw me out of our car." He said with a smile as if what he said was a good thing. "Really? That's horrible! How about the other kids?" You exclaimed. "Well pretty much the same as me. Some of them never met their parents, some of them were abused. But we're family now so it's not as bad as you think." He said. "Are you like the oldest in the orphanage?" You asked. "Yup! Me, Yuu-chan, Akane and you are the oldest here in this family!" He answered. "You think of me as family?" "Of course! You helped us after all! What do you say Y/N-chan? Do you want to be a part of our family?" He asked. "Yeah! You should join!" "You will be our big sister!" The other kids cheered. You looked at Yuuichiro and he looked away. You waited for him to say something. "You make a good sister...." He muttered. "Of course I'll be your family!" You accepted their request. All of them crushed you in a group hug. "Yay! Y/N-chan is with us now!" "Welcome to the family Y/N-chan!" Chorus of warm welcomes are heard. You were so happy to find them. Tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes and you started crying tears of joy. I'm so happy! I'll do whatever it takes to protect my new family.

I was thinking to give Y/N heterochromatic eyes because it's cute. Like the right one is blue and the left one is green. The right one is brown the left one is gray.

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