{8} Dealing with Mom

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The rest of the day I just chilled in my room, bored out of my mind, wishing it was Monday so that I could miss school and head to the studio to spend the day with the love of my life.

~ ~ ~

Monday morning, I woke up at 6 am, my thoughts keeping me from sleep. I was super excited for when Shawn would arrive in the drive way.

I went into Sara's room and told her I had cancelled school for the rest of the year and that she should pack because we were planning to leave as soon as Shawn got here. We both needed to pack a lot of things, everything necessary to go around the world.

I then went back into my room and dragged the suitcase from under my bed and started throwing clothes from my ddresser into the suitcase. I took my keys and my make up and threw that in my purse. I made my bed perfectly and practically cleared out my closet of my dresses and skirts.

I was going to the studio today to spend time with Shawn and help him write his next song, if he let me. He wanted it to be a surprise, but I was still curious about the song. Would Shawn make his relationship with me known to all his fans? I am sure all the fangirls would be jealous or saddened that Shawn was in love with a girl that wasn't them.

I would ask him that when he got to my house - is our relationship going to be public?

I was in the middle of packing, when mom comes in my room in a rage.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" she yells in my face, barging in my room without a knock.

"Um, I'm going on tour with my boyfriend Shawn Mendes who will be arriving around 8, I told you last night, jeez leave me alone."

"You are not going! You are too young! Besides what about your schooling? And what about Sara? You know you can't just leave her," Mom was getting really mad.

"Mom, I told you last night, Sara is coming with me. Good thing, too, because you don't have the proper mind to take care of either one of us. I am surprised we haven't ended up in foster care! Stop being a bitch and let me have a little freedom once and a while! Sara and I need an escape from you anyway! Also, I took care of the schooling. We don't need to attend for the rest of the school year," I let all that out in one breath, trying to hold back from punching a hole in the wall, or worse, my mother's face. As you can see our family has anger issues. I just control mine better.

She slapped me across the cheek. That's when Sara came in. Good timing, I thought to myself.

"Mom what are you doing?" Sara looked shocked as she saw Mom glaring down on me, who was just sitting peacefully on my bed acting as calm as I could be in a situation like this.

"Dealing with your good for nothing sister! You both can't go off to New York, never mind a world tour, especially with a boy you just met."

"Since when have you been taking responsibility for us, Mom? You never talk to us, you are never even home anymore. Just go live your life and we will live ours leaving you alone as you deserve. So let us go on this trip, and who knows, we might not come back."

Then I hear a horn beep in the drive way. My heart rate increased, if that was possible.

"We are leaving Mom, and there is no way to stop us." I looked at my suitcase which was bulging, zipped it up, and gathered my things. Mom backed out of my doorway and I swear I saw a tear on her face.

"Sara, get your stuff, it's time to go." She went into her room and came out with her suitcase.

"Move, Mom. You need to let us go sometime. You don't have the mind or the capacity to take care of us. Goodbye," and she slowly moved out of the stairway and let Sara and I pass. We bumped out suitcases down the stairs and out the doorway.

Then, I thought I heard a faint whisper from the top of the stairs. I love you...

But maybe it was just me.

~ ~ ~

I closed the house door and then saw Shawn. He was standing by the trunk, smiling that amazing smile that drew my heart to him from the beginning. The anger that I had was pushed down by the joy that came when I ran and hugged him.

Kian was sitting in the passenger seat, and when Sara saw him, I could see the love in her eyes. He got out of the car and hugged Sara, and we put our suitcases in the trunk. Shawn slammed the back hatch shut.

"Oh, Emily, I missed you," and he picked me up and spun me around.

"Shawn, I missed you too." Then I realized we hadn't ever kissed yet. I made the move. After he set me down, I got on my tiptoes, and when we made eye contact, I moved in to touch my lips to his. I felt his tongue pushing on my lips and I opened my mouth, allowing for a French kiss - my first. About a minute later, he pulled away, noticing that Kian and Sara were watching us.

"Oh, hello Kian," I said, blushing from embarrassment.

"Hey, what's your name again?"

"Emily," and I chuckled.

"Kian, I missed you," Sara said, and they hugged again.

"I can't wait for the weeks to come, Sara," and I saw the look in his eye. I would have to have a talk with him about how he treats my little sister.

"Well, are we gonna hit the road or what?" I asked enthusiastically.

Shawn hopped in the driver's seat, and when Kian hopped in the passenger seat, Shawn said, "Hey Kian, my best bud, move your ass into the back seat and let my princess here take the front." I was surprised, and I sat into the front seat next to Shawn, buckled in my seat belt, and he leaned over to kiss my cheek.

Sara got in the seat behind me, and Kian trudged over to the car door behind Shawn. I would use the rear view mirror to my advantage to keep an eye on him. Some part of me didn't trust him. I didn't know why.

"Music anyone?" Shawn shouted.

"I've got a CD right here." I popped in the Shawn Mendes CD and when Life of the Party came on, Shawn groaned.

"I have heard this song so many god damn times," he said, chuckling.

"It won't hurt to practice for all the concert performances," I said.

"True," Sara mentioned from the back seat.

"Oh, ok fine," and we sang along, Shawn and I, to the whole album as we headed on the three hour ride to the studio.

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