{12} Day at the Studio

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In the morning, Shawn woke me up with a kiss. Today we were going to go to the studio and get the concert equipment together in the vans because we were going to be leaving early tomorrow to go to New York. Although the city was only 6 hours away, we wanted to get checked into a hotel and then have the day to relax or explore the city and spend time together before his second world tour concert.

"Babe its almost 9, breakfast here goes until 10," Shawn said, scooching closer to me. I rolled over so that I could face him.

"Yeah I know, can't we just lay here for a while and eat pop-tarts later?"

"I wanna lay here too but we should get up."

"Ok, fine," and I dragged myself out of bed. Shawn still lay there with a grin on his face. He smiled up toward the ceiling with his eyes closed.

"Get out of bed silly, and don't make me take the blankets off you," I laughed. I started to take the sheet and peel it back and Shawn grabbed it and curled up in a ball like a little kid and I was laughing so hard.

"No I dont wanna get up," he said in a girlish voice.

"Are you mocking me?" I was giggling now and Shawn kept rolling in the sheets.

"Maybe," I heard from Shawn, his voice muffled from the sheets. He kept rolling and then I heard a thud, as well as seeing Shawn fall in a pile of flesh and sheets on the floor. "Ouch," was all he said.

"Come on babe, lets go eat," I said, dying of laughter. I grabbed a cute tank top and a pair of shorts from my suitcase and headed into the bathroom. "I'm going to shower first."

"Ok Emily, I'll just lay here on the floor, helpless," he was laughing too now.

"Fine, I'll help you up," and then I grabbed his hand and he ended up pulled me to the floor with him.

"What are you doing?" My eyes were watering. I don't think Shawn had ever been this humorous, yet I did have a strange sense of humor.

We were laughing together in a Shawn-Emily-sheet mess and it was hilarious.

After that, I finally got up and got my act together and went into the bathroom to change. Once we were in decent clothes we went out of the room together to go eat breakfast.

I texted Sara.

E: Good morning!

S: Hey Sara I've been up for like an hour, we were waiting for you guys to come out of the room, we didn't want to disturb you in case anything was happening

E: Oh we were just having fun nothing that couldn't have been interrupted. But we are ready to go down to eat now

S: About that, are we eating in the hotel or at Dunkin Donuts or something?

E: I don't know, ask Shawn or Kian. After all, they are the lovely men paying for us this summer.

S: What do you mean this summer?

E: Sara, it's a world tour. We are in a major city every week, it is going to take all summer. Maybe longer.

S: That's cool, btw, thank you for talking with Kian, and thank Shawn for me too. You guys really straightened him out and how he is actually respecting me and treating me like a human. I owe you guys.

E: Don't bother Sara, I love you I would do anything for you, and keeping you happy and protected is the number one thing. If Kian goes against that then you shouldn't have to deal with him in your life.

S: Good point. See you in the lobby!

Holding Shawn's hand, we got in the elevator. We walked past the pool into the lobby and waited around for Kian and Sara to come down.

I had thought they were in their room but apparently they were in the dining room already, in the food area. Kian was scouting out the muffins and Sara was pouring herself a glass of pineapple juice combined with cranberry juice; ever since we were little we would combine all of the drinks in the soda fountains.

"Hey Sara, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, let's grab something to eat." She replied, picking up a chocolate chip muffin.

"We're just gonna eat here guys, and then head to the studio." Shawn said, jabbing his thumb toward the door to gesture our departure.

"How far away is it?" Kian wondered.

"Only 5 minutes." Shawn answered, shrugging.

We all sat down and inhaled the dry and crumbly, almost tasteless muffins provided by the hotel. I even tasted the coffee they had here and it wasn't too great. After, we all piled in Shawn's car and I asked if we could drive through a Dunkin Donuts to get better food and coffee. Everyone agreed with me, and we all got iced coffees at the nearest Dunkin Donuts.

When we went into the studio, there were some things already being put in boxes to be carried into the vans parked out front.

I got out of the car and followed Shawn into his little office area where he had his things set up. There was a microphone and a guitar and a lot of wires and speakers.

"Play something for me," I said. I sat in a chair next to him and he picked up the guitar and adjusted the mic. I heard Kian and Sara outside helping fill the vans. Did Kian have his own car? Maybe he could take Sara somewhere - being here might be boring for the two of them.

Shawn smiled and sat in the chair. He thought for a second, and then started strumming.

"Think I don't need a watch to tell the time,

Think I don't need the sun to help me shine

Think I don't need a girl to be alright

Guess I didn't know

Thought I didn't need shoes on my feet

Thought I didn't need a bed to fall asleep

Thought I didn't need love to be complete

Guess I didn't know

That I just got this crazy feeling

I've been making someone wait for me, for me

You're all I think about when I'm awake

Part of every night and every day

And everything's a mess when you're away

Now I ain't know

All of this is getting really old

I'm having trouble sleeping on my own

Feeling like a house but not a home

I want you to know

That I just got this crazy feeling

I've been making someone wait for me, for me."

I was listening to the lyrics and I was singing along in my head. I knew there was more, but Shawn put the guitar down and waved me over, patting his leg for me to sit on his lap.

"Come here Emily," and I did, sitting on his knee. I moved in a position so that I was straddling him and my hair tickled his neck. I kissed him for a long time while he held me. I loved him so much. I wanted this to last forever.

"I can't wait for the tour, Shawn," I said in between kisses.

"I know, we will have so much fun together. I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course," I said, sitting straight.

Then he looked me in the eyes. His own eyes were shining and I was just in a daze from the amazement. He stroked my hair, and then asked, "But do you love me?"

**A/N Hope you like the cliffhanger I will try to update before I leave tomorrow for the weekend! Vote for more, and I hope you are enjoying so far! If you have questions about the plot or whatever just message me or comment :) -EmForLife22

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