{9} Double Date

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It was almost 11 and we were going to a restaurant to eat lunch. Packing a lunch would have been cheaper, but fuck that. Kian and Sara were laughing in the back seat, and Shawn and I were singing to the radio. Our little black car zoomed off the exit and we drove for another minute or so until we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant.

We all got out, and Kian grabbed Sara's hand and I grabbed Shawn's hand. He locked the car with the key and we went inside. There was a hostess there and she brought us to a booth. I scooched in on one side, and Shawn sat beside me. Sara sat across from me.

The hostess placed the menus on the table and scurried away to seat another family.

A young man came over to our table holding a little notepad.

"Hi, my name is Cameron and I will be your server this afternoon." He smiled. "Oh hey, are you Shawn Mendes? You look familiar."

"Yea, its me, please don't make such a big deal at this restaurant, and please don't say anything about my new girlfriend Emily." He squeezed my hand.

"Sure thing. Do you wanna order your drinks?"

"I'll have a coke," Shawn said.

"Make that 2," I said to Cameron.

Sara and Kian ordered ice teas. It was the closest they could get to Arizona iced tea.

"So Shawn, I just realized I don't know that much about you," and I turned to face him.

"Well, I was born in Canada so naturally I am Canadian," he said, grinning.

"I knew that," I said, "I was a fangirl since you started becoming famous."

Sara and Kian were chatting up a storm across the table. A few minutes later Cameron brought our drinks to the table. I realized I hadn't even looked at the menu. Looking at Shawn was too time consuming.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

"No, we'll need a few minutes," I spoke up.

I looked down at the menu. I decided on a basket of nachos.

"Babe, what are you getting?"

"I'm getting a burger," and he licked his lips.

"Yo Sara, what are you getting?"

"Kian and I are going to share the extra large ice cream sundae." Kian laughed at this.

"Sara, that's a dessert not a meal." I gave her a stare. I was her sister, but sometimes I needed to be her mom.

"Yea, so? I'm not hungry for food."

"All I'm hungry for is Sara," and Kian looked at Sara with a sexy glare in his eye. Wow, Kian was really expressing his feelings for Sara like VERY CLEARLY.

"You guys need to get a room," Shawn said, putting his hands in his palms and laughing almost silently.

"We know, and we will, after we go to the studio." Then something happened under the table that wasn't very subtle when I saw Sara's face.

Then Cameron came back and we ordered our food, nachos for me, a burger for Shawn, and the stupid ice cream sundae for Sara and Kian because apparently they weren't too hungry for real food.

I was getting annoyed with the way Kian was treating Sara. Maybe she enjoyed it, maybe she was embarrassed by it, I don't know. But I needed to have a talk with him immediately.

"Kian. Bathroom. Now."

"Don't worry Shawn I just need to have a talk with him about how he is acting with Sara. Please excuse me," and Shawn nodded and got out of the booth so I could grab the collar of Kian's shirt and drag him to the bathroom.

I pulled him into the ladies room and into the handicap stall.

"Kian. What are you doing?"

He chuckled, almost innocently. "What do you mean Emily?"

"You better treat my sister right or you will regret it. You need to respect her and keep your 'shows of affection' private. Yes I saw what you did at the table. Don't do it again. And stop with the dirty remarks and the winks. Try to act like you love her for her and not her body."

"Jeez, Emily, I didn't know you were so protective of your sister, -"

I cut him off. "Well I am! I love her and I want what is best for her. And right now I don't think you are what is best for her. If you don't man up and start acting mature I am going to force her to break up with you, giving her reasons of course."

"Ok, ok, I get it. I'll try to be more normal. I'll be a 'good boy' now." He made air quotes and left the bathroom.

~ ~ ~

Back at the table, Sara was having the same conversation with Shawn, but much more calm. Shawn was nodding and when he saw Kian and I walking back he smiled. He made room for me in the booth and then Kian scooched in next to Sara. He remained quiet.

"How long does it take to get our food?" Sara questioned.

"Why would you care, you aren't even hungry!" I stated, and she shrugged.

Shawn kissed me on the cheek, and we all talked about the tour until our food came.

"So we are leaving for New York on Wednesday, correct?" I asked Shawn to clarify.

"Yep, Wednesday, and we will be there for about a week. The concert is Saturday and the Wednesday after we fly to California, where there will be another concert the following Saturday. Wow, it is tiring being famous."

"Well I'm here for when you are 'backstage' and out of the spotlight. I will always support you." He smiled at me, that smile that I always have loved.

"Where are we going to stay?" Kian asked curiously.

"Yea, where are we going to stay?" Sara repeated.

"Right now, I have a hotel room in a hotel near the studio, which Emily can share with me, and then I'll just add another hotel room for you and Sara on the tab with the tour costs. Unless you want to pay for yourself and your girlfriend, Kian," Shawn explained to Kian and the rest of us.

~ ~ ~

When our food came, we stuffed our faces, well at least Sara and Kian did. I politely ate my nachos, as politely as you can eat finger food. Shawn gobbled up the burger, and when we were finished, we waited for Cameron to come back to the table so we could get our bill.

"I will pay the bill," Kian said, and I was surprised he was offering this nice gesture as a proper man would.

"Aww, thanks babe," Sara said to Kian.

"Will that be all?" Cameron asked.

"Yep," we all said.

"I will be back with the bill." A minute later he returned. He set the receipt on the table and Kian placed his credit card in the little folder.

"I'll come back to give your card back," and Cameron smiled and walked away again. We all waited for Cameron to make the transaction or do whatever little waiters do and when he FINALLY came back, Kian took his card, and Shawn left a $10 on the table.

"Have a good day," Cameron said, waving.

"You too," Shawn said.

"Thanks for lunch Kian."

"No problem guys," and we all walked with our hands in our pockets back to the car.

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