☆ 29 July

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This ones for Halsey246 cause you're awesome and your comments make my day. Enjoy :)

Calum sighed heavily, taking another large gulp of his fourth cup of coffee. He made it the way Michael likes it, two scoops of sugar and a shit load of creamer. It was milky brown and Michael would have loved how sweet it was. Calum liked his coffee black with two scoops of sugar. Calum was driving himself insane as he paced the waiting room, drinking his coffee as he waited for some news of his family.

Luke had been sitting in a chair, bouncing his leg with the same cup of coffee for the past three hours that they had been there. Lola and Emilia were sitting beside each other with their hands tightly clasped together. Ashton was standing against the wall, staring down the hallway, waiting for someone to bring news about Michael.

Ember hadn't been bothered to show up. Ashton called her and informed her that Michael was in the hospital but she hung up and no one heard from her again. Calum wasn't very surprised, he didn't care that she wasn't here, the only thing on his mind was his boyfriend and his babies.

Calum's eyes widened when a nurse came walking up to them. He set his coffee down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the nurse stood in front of them all.

"Are you all here for Michael Hemmings?" The nurse asked.

"Yes! Is he okay? Are my babies okay?" Calum hurriedly asked, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Michael is stable, he's been moved into the ICU. Um- I don't really know how to say this but we only extracted one baby" The nurse explained. Calum's heart completely dropped as tears filled his eyes.

"One baby? I-"

"Sir, both of your babies are okay. You see, only one was ready to be extracted. We closed him up and the other baby is completely fine. Michael was a bit
unstable after the operation but he is completely fine and so are your babies" The nurse hurriedly explained. Calum sighed out heavily, his eyes squeezing shut.

"Can we see him?" Luke asked.

"Of course" The nurse smiled as she began to lead everyone down a hallway. Calum was the first to follow, walking directly behind the women as she led them into an elevator. Calum was tapping his foot impatiently as the elevator moved up. When the doors opened, Calum was the first out, waiting impatiently for the nurse to guide them to Michael. The nurse led them down another hallway until they were stopping in front of a door labeled 4D

"Here you go" The nurse smiled as she opened the door. Calum hurriedly walked in, rushing to the beside where his pale boyfriend was struggling to keep his eyes open. Calum sighed, shakily placing his hand on Michaels, entwining their fingers as Michael slowly turned his head towards Calum. His lips were extremely chapped, his skin paler than normal, but he licked his lips and gave Calum a sweet smile. Calum sighed out, leaning down and pressing his forehead against Michaels shoulder, sniffling as tears fell from his red rimmed eyes.

"C-Cal" Michael stuttered.

"What? What's wrong baby?" Calum asked, bringing his head up.

"Where's the baby?" Michael croaked out, his throat tight. Calum looked up, searching around the room. The nurse walked up to the bed and gave Calum and Michael a sympathetic look.

"Your baby was born premature. He only weighed 2 pound and 2 ounces and he had a little trouble breathing so we're keeping a close eye on him in the children's unit. You can see him any time you'd like but Mr Hemmings still has the risk of becoming unstable so you should give it a day before even trying to move him " The nurse explained.

"I've waited seven months to see my baby and now he's here and I can't see him?" Michael angrily huffed, crossing his small arms over his chest. Calum chuckled, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to Michaels forehead.

"One day baby, just one day and I'll take you down to see our baby" Calum whispered as he ran his
fingers through Michaels hair.

"It's Grayson" Michael smiled. Calum hummed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Grayson Asher Hood-Hemmings. He's the older twin who couldn't wait to be born" Michael chuckled, coughing a bit.

"Well you can see Grayson tomorrow. Right now you need lots of rest" Calum insisted. Michael rolled his eyes, placing his hand on Calum's cheek.

"Keep an eye on him please" Michael whispered as his eyes fluttered shut. Calum leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to Michaels lips.

"I will baby" Calum whispered before Michael was falling asleep. Calum sighed, looking back at Luke and Ashton who were staring at Michael with relieved expressions.

"If you'd like I can lead you down to the nursery. It closes soon but you can see the baby before it does. I'd love to take all of you but only parents are allowed this late" The nurse spoke quietly as to not wake Michael.

"It's okay. We'll stay with Michael" Luke assured, knowing all to well about the hesitant look on Calum's face.

"Thank you so much" Calum breathed out. He placed another kiss to Michaels forehead before following the nurse out of the room. He was led down the elevator again until he was walking down a soft peach colored hallway. Calum's breath hitched when he was led into a large room filled with incubators.

"He's right over there. Michaels name is on the the little whiteboard, feel free to write the baby's name right underneath it" The nurse smiled, patting Calum's shoulder before walking away. The tan boy took a deep breath as he slowly walked over to the incubator. The small baby was hooked onto a number of tubes that connected to a machine, he had a small patch of ebony hair on his small head. He brushed his nose with his tiny fingers, causing Calum to coo. The tan boy sat down in a comfortable chair beside the incubator, gently placing his hand on the plastic shielding.

"Hey little guy. I don't really know what to say but I guess I should start by saying, my names Calum, I'm kind of your dad. You're mummy's upstairs, he's sleeping right now but I see your wide awake, aren't you? They said you had a little trouble breathing when you were born, but you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay because you're your mums kid, and he's the toughest person I know. And you have his eyes, the prettiest shade of green I've ever seen"
Calum spoke softly and quietly. He paused for a second, opening the small window on the plastic shielding so he could stick his arm through. He sighed as he delicately brushed his finger tips over his baby's stomach.

"I love you so much Gray. Mummy loves you too, he'll come down and see you tomorrow don't worry. You know? For months mummy and daddy have been stressing out over how much we needed for you... but now that you're here, and I'm touching your little hands, nothing else seems to matter any more. You're all that matters. Daddy loves you, Gray"
Calum pressed his finger against the baby's palm, smiling when he wrapped his tiny fingers around Calum's. Silent tears fell down his cheeks as the baby looked over at him, his beautiful green eyes piercing into Calum's.

Calum's heart was so warm.

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