Sponsorship Task: Modoru Rekishi

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Kyou stared at the approaching army from his perch in a tree.

"There is no way that they are here on a simple diplomatic mission... Not with that many men," his half-brother, Isamu, whispered.

Kyou glanced over at him, observing his all black attire and unconventional choice of weapons. His half-brother had found the calling of the ninja's fighting style much stronger than the call of the Samurai way. As a result, he'd run off at thirteen and trained with a wandering ninja instead of cooperating with his sensei from the Batto-Jutsu Shinmei Muso Ryu. Eventually, everyone had given up and let him do as he would. He came back to visit Kyou and their brother, Hiroshi, when others stopped trying to force him to conform to their expectations.

Now Kyou relied on him as a trusted ally and friend.

"No, they are not here for diplomacy," he agreed softly, fingering the hilt of his katana and the saya it was sheathed in.

"What will you do? They are headed toward Odani Castle. We must do something now before they get ahead of us."

Kyou nodded decisively and scampered gracefully down to the last three branches. On the third branch up from the ground, he stopped, braced himself, and jumped. Just to show off and because he could, he did a flip midair and landed on his feet, his palm pressed to the dirt beneath the tree to steady himself.

"Quit showing off, brother," Isamu huffed, repeating the same movement, his loose black hakama ruffling as he dropped fluidly to the ground.

Kyou brushed the dust from his hands and sent his half-brother a smirk. "I will race you back. Last one there gets to tell our sister that we are beginning to actively search for a husband for her."

Isamu scowled. "You are horrible! Natsumi-chan will have our heads if we inform her of that."

Kyou shrugged. "That she will. That is why you'd better not lose to me, Isamu-kun."

Isamu's eyes narrowed. "Fine. I accept your challenge, Kyou-kun."

"Good." Without another word, Kyou took off.

Isamu glared after him. "That's cheating, baka!"

"Heard that," Kyou remarked coolly as Isamu caught up. "Didn't your ninja sensei teach you that cheating is non-existent in your way of life? Besides, time is of the essence, brother."

Isamu laughed. "That it is!" With that, he sped up, leaving Kyou behind.

Gritting his teeth, Kyou increased his pace, chasing after his younger half-brother.


"You lost, Kyou-kun. Now you get to tell Natsumi-chan about the hunt for her husband..."

"Hai... Hai... I will when this problem is resolved," Kyou huffed. "Now let us go meet the vagabonds who dare to grace our doorstep with intentions of war."

He looked to his heitai, turning and drawing his katana with a shout. "Men, this army of rōnin that approaches means to take our lives and our land, no doubt. Will we let them?"

The men let out offended hisses. Together, they shouted, "Īe!"

"Then follow me to meet them in battle. Let us make these baka regret messing with us! Hai?"




"Is this an attack of opportunity or an ordered hit?" Kyou shouted at the man leading the army of rōnin. "Identify yourselves!"

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