Battle Task #4

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Kyou gazed at Imagawa-san's fortress, thinking about how to begin his siege. He knew the only way in was to attack through the tunnels that riddled the mountain beneath the fort. Chewing his lip, he examined the situation.

The tunnels at the base of the mountain were in sight at the bottom of the hill they stood upon, and the mouths lay barren, dark against the stark morning sunlight. Red pine boughs swayed gently in the breeze sweeping across the mountains. The warmth of the sun heated Kyou's leather armor, and sweat trickled down his back as he ceased contemplating and wheeled about to face his men.

"Sonohiwotsume! Minagoroshi ni suru!" Kyou shouted, thrusting a fan-topped pole with his insignia into the air. His voice resonated around the forest, echoing throughout the mountains around them.

Birds took flight, startled by his sudden disturbance of their peaceful habitat. The sound of small forest creatures fleeing in fright whispered about them as Kyou's rallying cry soared on the air. Somewhere in the back of the army, the cry was picked up. The crescendo of voices reached a feverish pitch as they screamed their fury, showing support for their leader. It was a far cry from their behavior when he first became daimyo and later when the Black Death struck. Knowing what he had endured for them at the enemy's hands, his men's loyalty was renewed.

Kyou wheeled his kiso uma, Shōri, around and took off in a canter down the steep hillside leading down to the valley where the mountain tunnels were located. His horse tried to take off for the mountain ranges much faster than Kyou wished for him to do. Reigning Shōri in, Kyou patted his neck gently. "Yuta, Shōri... Yuta..."

The horse's ears swiveled back to listen to him, and Kyou smiled as the breeze blew warmly in his face. His blood pumped in his veins, hot and full of adrenaline as he led his men toward Imagawa-san's fortress.


Screams and the clashing of metal echoed in an unending cacophony through the close tunnels. There was barely enough room for Kyou's men to move six abreast. Fortunately, he and his generals were the only ones mounted. Had any more been mounted, they would've been hard pressed to find room for everyone.

Torchlight danced wildly off the dark stone of the mountain surrounding him as he plunged into the fray. Shōri let out a shrill, infuriated whinny, lashing out with his teeth at those who got too close. A few men in loose fitting, dark blue clothes flitted about him like shadowy wraiths. Kyou gritted his teeth. Bringing his own ninjas had been a wise idea. They were well suited to exterminate this specialized portion of Imagawa-san's army in combat.

The terrain of the mountainous tunnels didn't let Kyou utilize his style very well, and he knew that would only hinder him and his men if it continued. He had to dismount. There was only a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving his horse, whom he'd been riding since he was ten, behind. Of course, he would miss the animal, but Shōri could fend for himself.

With a yell, he kicked his feet from the stirrups and launched himself off Shōri, bowling into two ninjas nearby. His wakizashi slammed into one man's arm as the hilt of his katana slammed brutally into a second's stomach. As Shōri headed in the direction Kyou had steered him towards earlier, he reared, his flinty hooves striking two enemy soldiers in the head as he kicked out. Satisfied that Shōri would find his way through the battle, Kyou turned his attention to his injured opponent.

The ninja had doubled over, gasping. Kyou dealt a crushing blow to his skull, not hesitating to fling himself into the fight wholeheartedly. With the element of surprise gone, he now had to fight smart. The ninjas certainly would, as they were already attempting to back him into a corner where his katana couldn't be used. He grinned wildly, reveling in the savage feeling rising inside of him. He'd never felt so exhilarated at the thought of hurting another person. These men thought they could trap him, hurt him, and maybe even kill him, but he was going to kill them first.

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