Chapter 2

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"Hi, I'm Harry, nice to meet you." he spoke along with that gorgeous, british accent. His voice was deep and raspy. It sent shivers straight through my spine. It made him 10 times more attractive than he already was, if that was even possible.

I took a seat next to Sarah, while Harry was seated in front of me. He and I made small talk for the duration of the period, which, in all honesty, made me a little disappointed. I'm not the biggest fan of small talk and the fact that it was a conversation going nowhere really upset me.

Anyways, before I knew it, the bell finally rang signalling the end of the class. I collected all my belongings and headed towards the door. On my way out of the classroom, i felt a hand tug on my wrist. I immediately turned around.

"Hey, erm, Allison, what do you have next, if you don't mind my asking?"


"That's cool, me too! Would you want to sit beside each other?" he then smirked.

"Uh..sure." I said nervously, due to his forwardness.

Harry and I then walked together to english class. Our teacher introduced himself as well as the first unit. We had to read 'Pride and Prejudice'. One of my favourite books. It wasn't until we were having a discussion about the first few chapters that I realized Harry also had read the book before.

"So you like to read, huh?" he asked, curiously.

"You can say that." I replied.

I ended up asking him who his favourite character was but the teacher shushed me. That frustrated me but I figured I can always ask him that later. When class finished, I stayed back momentarily to have a few words with the teacher. Less than 2 minutes passed and I went back to my locker to put my things. To my surprise, I found Harry leaning on it. When he spotted me, he flashed me that cheeky grin that showed off his dimples.



"I need to get to my locker so if you could kindly move, that would be great." I said, monotonously.

"Whats the magic word?" he sang like a little kid.

"Harry, move." I muttered, a little ruder than I meant it to be.

He only stood there expectantly making me more frustrated. Who does he think he is? We just met and he's already being annoying.

"Please, move." I caved.

"Ah there we go. As you wish." He finally moved out of the way only to begin talking again. "hey, uh listen, I was just wondering if I could get your number, just so uh we could talk about english or whatever..." I placed my things in my locker and turned to face him.

He seemed so nervous it made me giggle. "Sure, give me your phone."

He passed me his phone and I put my number in. I then texted myself so i could save his number as well.

At the end of the day, I saw Harry again and waved to him goodbye. He flashed me that beautiful smile and waved back. I got butterflies in my stomach. Ugh, I hated the fact that he had such an effect on me.

The bus ride didn't take much time. Once I got home, I took a quick shower and ate some unsatisfying leftovers considering I was too lazy to make my own dinner. Both my parents weren't home and they wouldn't get home until much later, so until then, I'll be left alone. At around 5, my phone started buzzing to indicate a call. The screen lit up and Harry's name came up. I sighed and grabbed my phone to answer.

"Hey." I answered, unintentionally dry. I just wanted to sound collected. Which I was.

"Hey Allison." After a few seconds of silence, he began to talk again. "I'll be around your place at 7 so please be ready and dress nicely because I'm taking you out" I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

"What? why? How do you know my adress?" So many questions came rushing out, because, my God, this boy was forward!

"I have my ways." This time, I most definitely heard that smirk. "See you later." He had hung up, just like that, without another word. He probably sensed that I was about to object. So now the question is, should I go? I mean I don't want to give him the satisfaction of being in control like that. We barely know each other and he wants to take me out? Well either way, I'm still kinda hungry and I don't feel like spending tonight alone so I might as well. But still! He can't just do that! He bothers me so much. But, being honest, I was excited to see how our little night out would turn out...


HEY GUYS! Please tell me what you think?! I know its not great but its my first fanfic so im trying my best. VOTE AND COMMENT! thankss xx :*


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