Chapter 7

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I was at his house again. It was the weekend and I had finished all my homework, so I decided to go see him. Josh was in the kitchen preparing us some lunch while I was laying on his couch. We do this a lot, it's become quite normal these days. I go over, he cooks. Always having fun together, even if it's just sitting, around eating popcorn.

I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen. He was standing in front of the counter chopping some vegetables for a side with our meal. I made my way to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned around and gave me his beautiful smile.

"I love you," I said as I looked into his eyes.

His award winning smile suddenly changed into a devilish smirk giving me the chills. I had just realized that he had grabbed the knife in his hand and held it tightly.

"That's too bad sweetheart," he said as his eyes turned dark.

He shifted his hand, still grasping the knife, right beneath my neck, slightly passing it on my skin, causing blood to come out.

"Josh, what are you doing?" I asked, scared out of my mind. "Stop! Josh stop!" He kept digging the knife deeper into my neck causing my breathing to quicken.

"Please, Josh, I love you. Stop!"

He moved the blade away from my neck and gave me a puzzled look. "Allison! Wake up!"

What? Why was he telling me to wake up? Josh began shaking me as reality finally hit me.

I suddenly woke up from my nightmare. My dad was beside me with a worried look on his face. Before he got the time to ask me any questions, I asked him to get me a glass of water. He happily obliged and left to the bathroom. He quickly came back. Right as I finished gulping down the water, my dad began talking.

"Honey, are you okay? Your mom and I were sleeping but I heard you yelling 'stop' and rushed to your bedroom. Is everything alright?"

I smiled at my dad. He always cared so much about me, never giving me the chance to doubt his love. I didn't want to startle him and tell him my disturbing dream so I had to make something up quick.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I uh," I paused trying to form a lie. "Just had a nightmare where bugs were attacking me." I mentally faced palmed hoping he would buy it. And luckily he did.

"Oh those darn bugs again. Try to think of something else." He yawned, letting me know he's tired. "Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks dad. Love you, goodnight." He leaned in and kissed my forehead before heading back to his bedroom.

Once he was gone and in his room, I did something I knew I would regret. Not my smartest choice, but still, I did it. I grabbed my phone and dialled up his number. After three rings he picked up.


"Hi, Harry. Uhm, I.. I," suddenly I realized how stupid I looked calling a boy I had just met to help me with my nightmare.

"Allison, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes. I was.. I just wanted to know if you can come over. I had a nightmare and I cant sleep and all my friends are sleeping so I thought I would call you an-"

"Yes, yes I'll come. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Relief washed over me as he said that. He hung up just as I was about to say goodbye.

Fifteen minutes later, I look out my window and see a light illuminating my driveway. Harry. Quietly, I go downstairs and slowly open the front door. Harry walks in and starts taking off his shoes. I shake my head telling him to keep them on so my parents don't wake up in the morning and see them. Shortly, I go up the stairs, leading him to my bedroom.

Once he's in, he closes the door and takes off his jacket and shoes. He throws his jacket on my chair and leaves his shoes by the door. I look at Harry and realize he's about to remove his shirt. He looks my way, waiting for my nod of approval. Of course, I nod my head and get in my bed, him following.

"You're sure your parents wont mind waking up to a shirtless guy sleeping in their daughters bed?"

"They wont get to see you, they leave earlier than me and never bother to come in my room in the morning." I shrug as he gets in the bed and slides in closer to me. "Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, it's no problem. Just go to sleep." Harry hesitantly put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. Soon enough, I heard light snores, meaning he's fallen asleep.

I was still uneasy from that nightmare and unfortunately couldn't fall back asleep. My terrible memories came haunting me again. For awhile, I wasn't having dreams about it, but nowadays they occur very often. It's something I must forget in order to be able to start fresh.

As much as I wanted to forget about it, I knew I wouldn't and couldn't. It had become a part of me, a burden I now hold upon my shoulders. This memory will keep dragging me back to the past. It will keep me from being able to live a normal life. No matter how high I try to reach, it will be an anchor. It will hold me low enough so I can't reach my goals. Many times have I tried to let it go and forget, and many times have I failed. But I must keep trying.


Sorry for the long wait for this update! And also sorry this chapter wasn't very long. I've been super busy and i've had lots of homework. These next two weeks are gonna be jam packed but I will try to update.


You can follow me on twitter and insta at @nourxox_

Love you xx


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