Chapter 1

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So I'm starting school tomorrow. Hopefully this year, I dont get involved in any kind of drama, including boys.

I broke up with my long-term boyfriend a couple weeks ago, Josh. We've been going out for what seemed like forever. I, of course, thought we'd end up together and I'd marry him one day. My dreams were shattered when he decided some dumb blonde with a fake tan and big boobs was more important to him than I was. So in short, he dumped me for the school slut. Apparently those two have been sneaking around and having affairs the entire time we dated.

My friends heard rumours saying that he had sex with her whenever he said he 'had to go to work'. I was stupid and naive so I believed him. Turns out, I should'nt have ever trusted the asshole.

Ever since then, I decided to stay away from guys in general. It wasn't anything against boys really but I just tried to stay away from relationships simply because i wouldn't want to get hurt or cheated again, especially by a jerk.


I woke up and groaned upon the realization that it was Monday morning and it was the first day of school. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and put some makeup on. Basic morning schedule. I don't really care to impress any of the guys. No, seriously, there's absolutely no one to impress, but i like to keep a good image of myself. You know, personal preferences and standards.

I stood in front of my closet for literally 20 minutes long before deciding what to wear. I grabbed khaki high wasted shorts, a white muscle tank with a black infinity sign, my burgundy belt and, finally, my vans that tie this entire outfir together. I guess you can say my style is pretty main stream and whatever, but i only wear it because, once again, personal preferences rather than show off. I'm not that kind of person.

I grabbed a mug, filled with a hot tea and grabbed a slice of cinnamon toast. That's my breakfast. I try my best to make a full out meal, but I never find enough time after all the time it takes to get ready and I most definitely do not plan on waking up any earlier.

I waited at my bus stop for 5 minutes until it finally came around. The ride was pretty short and I got there soon enough. I saw all my friends again and we all squealed and hugged, as if we hadn't seen each other in ages. Truth be told, I had just seen them last weekend. We grabbed our books and headed to our first class of the first semester.

As we were walking into class, which was math by the way, My eyes met with a guy I had never seen before at school. Guess he was that transfer student from London the teachers told us about.

"Hey, Sarah, who's that guy over there?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Oh, I'm not too sure, I think he's that british transfer student. He's pretty cute though, isn't he?" Sarah said as she laughed. Sarah's been my best friend since first grade. At first glance, you'd think she's the popular girl simply because of her lucious straight blonde hair, those blue eyes that sparkled like pools, and her perfect body shape. She's quite rich too. Honestly, I dont know how she ended up being my best friend instead of being part of the popular clique. Either way, I'm glad she stuck with me.

Anyways, I wanted to talk to him, the new kid. Something about him just looked so comforting and I wanted to find out what that was. Something inside of me was pushing me. Was telling me to go introduce myself. I didn't want to. I had promised I wouldn't get involved with guys. I had promised myself I would take a break from relationships. I promised myself I wouldn't let another guy hurt me like that.

Before I knew it, I had taken a few steps and was only approximately a meter behind him. Suddenly, my voice came out, as if it had a mind of it's own.

"Hi, I'm Allison."

As soon as he turned around, He flashed a gorgeous smile. I actually noticed how beautiful his face really was. His brown curls made him look so innocent, his perfectly green eyes so radiant, his teeth so white I could see my reflection in them. I could've stared at those eyes for hours and fallen in love. And that charming smile of his just blew me away. I didn't notice I was staring at him for so long until he cleared his throat, chuckled and repeated his name.

"Hi, I'm Harry, nice to meet you."


For those who read it, please let me know what you think!

Thank you xx


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