Chapter 8

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The next morning, I woke up with a heavy weight on my stomach. I lifted my head slightly and saw Harry's arm draped across me. Only then did I realize his little snores. Not wanting to wake him up, I slowly tried to wiggle myself out of his hold. He stirred in his sleep and tightened his arm around my waist. I sighed and gave up. Instead, I started to take in every single beautiful detail of his. The way his curls were messy and lazily sitting on his forehead, almost covering his eyes. The way his soft pink lips were slightly parted. His many tattoos all over his body. The shape of his eyebrows, as well as the little creases in his forehead. He looked young and innocent, like an angel. People have said that while sleeping, one tends to look younger. I never truly believed it until now. Harry seems to be without worries, away in a peaceful unknown place.

Soon enough, I felt a movement and saw Harry's eyes flutter open.

"Good morning."

"Hi love. How long ago did you wake up?" Harry asked me while scratching his head.

"Not long ago, maybe ten or fifteen minutes ago." He didn't say anything back, making me shift from the awkward position we were in. He realized my uncomfortableness and removed his arm from me. He got up and grabbed his clothes that were left on the floor.

Suddenly, his phone began to rang. Harry quickly picked it up and answered it while walking over to my bathroom. I could tell he was angry but couldn't quite distinguish what he was saying. I got up and put on some sweat pants, walking closer to the bathroom, trying to eavesdrop on his conversation. I know it's wrong but I can't help myself.

As soon as I hear a faint goodbye coming from Harry, I quickly walked away from the door and went to my dresser. Soon after, Harry walks out with a crease between his eyebrows.

"Listen, I've got to go. Something came up." Without another word, he left my room and went downstairs. A big thud was heard as he closed the door downstairs. He didn't even bother waiting for me to say goodbye. He just left and that is why I can't stand him. He can never justify his reasoning. He can change from being happy, charming, and cheeky to being angry,rude, and intimidating.

To get my mind off things, I decided to go to the nearby cafe. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my keys and my wallet and headed downstairs to my car. It was a short drive, around five minutes.

I parked my car and got out. The bell on top of the door rang as I opened it. The place was pretty much empty, except for one blonde guy sitting in the corner of the cafe, alone. I've seen him before but never bothered starting a conversation with him. He quickly looked up and locked eye contact with me. I looked away, embarrassed that I got caught staring.

Without wasting any more time, I went to order at the counter. I decided on getting a medium roast coffee with a blueberry muffin. As I was paying, I felt a hand nudge my shoulder. I turned around and saw the blonde guy.

"Hey, I always see you here and thought I should introduce myself." I looked at him and didn't say anything. "My name is Kyle," he brought his hand up waiting for me to shake it, but I didn't. Slowly, he brought it back down and gave an awkward chuckle. "And you are?"

"I'm Allison, nice to meet you. I'd love to stay and chat but I must get going. See you around." With that, I grabbed my food and drink and left the cafe without any more interactions.

He seemed like a nice guy, but I couldn't help notice that I recognize him, not only from seeing him at the cafe multiple times, but from before. I might just be mistaken, many people look alike. Not wanting to think any more of it, I blasted my music and started singing at the top of my lungs once I got in my car. Right as I was about to reverse out of the parking lot, I hear a knock at my window. Kyle comes to view once I turn my head to the left. As I rolled down my window, he gave me a smile.

"Here's my number, just in case you ever want to hang out. I'm usually at the cafe." Before I could mutter a response, Kyle left. He walked right back in the place without ever glancing back at me.

Once I got home, I decided to text him. I found out that he recently transferred to my school. He doesn't know many people so he asked me to give him a little tour. I of course, not being able to say no to anyone, agreed. However, he is best friends with Harry. Maybe they transferred from the same school. And it turns out we have most of our classes together. Guess I'll be talking to him more often.

If I'm being honest, Kyle seems like a really nice guy. When we were texting, he told me of his previous relationship and how much it hurt him. He also threw in how every guy should treat a girl. He then started complimenting me, saying how beautiful I looked. Thank God it was over text, otherwise I would be red like a tomato, not a very pretty sight to see.

After about an hour or two of just sitting around and texting, I got up and headed to my bedroom to finalize my homework.


It was now getting pretty late, and my eyelids were slowly closing. Being my lazy self, I just left all my stuff on my desk, not bothering to clean up, and went straight to bed. I felt myself drifting away to a world full of fantasies. Slowly, and then all at once.

(A/N): I would just like to thank you all for 1.6K reads. Its means a lot. I know I take forever to update and I'm sorry but I have no motivation. I barely get votes or comments and it sucks. Anyways, I'll try my best to update sooner.

Love you xx


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