Chapter One - Never Let a Psychopath Become a Psychopath

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*** WARNING: There is a lot of horrible situations in this story. This involves séxual harassment, víolence, murder, sélf harm and much more. Please DO NOT read if  this effects you. The last thing i want is to trigger someone!!. Thank you***

Two very different people, brought up in two very different places, with two very different families and two very different situations. However, these two totally different people have one thing in common. Their terrible lives.

Castiel Novak grew up in what can only be described as a mansion. His father had a multi-billionaire and Castiel got everything he asked for. Except love and acceptance from his father. A cruel man who hurt Castiel in one of the worst ways possible. By beating him senseless and taking a knife up to his mouth, disfiguring him for the rest of his life. His mouth was now cut up into a never-ending smile, so even when Castiel was at his low-point, nobody could look past the disfigurement of his face. Nobody knew what happened to Castiel's father, he suddenly one day disappeared, only to be found one month later, washed up on the shore with his throat cut. Castiel said it was bound to happen at one point because of the way his father treated people, but most people just believed that Castiel killed his father after what he did to him.

Dean Winchester grew up in a small house, with only a mattress as a bed and a fridge that was more likely to cook the food than to the chill it. His own father, after Dean's beautiful and kind mother past away, did things to Dean that were unimaginable, things that you or me couldn't even think about. His father started doing these things to Dean when he was only five years old, the first time on the anniversary of his mothers death. Now I know what you're thinking. I want to kill that bastard too. But when it came to Dean, he was manipulated into feeling sorry for his own father, telling his little brother that it wasn't his dad's fault he was being molésted, he was just hurting.

Both of these boys were in terrible situations. But they both broke free of their past and started their future. Both in two very different ways. Castiel gained control of his fathers billion dollar company and made it into his own. Changed it completely until he and a cult of underground criminals were completely running the place and the whole of Gotham. Castiel Novak soon became the most rich, powerful and fearful man in the city, building bridges with mobsters and burning bridges with snobby and disgusting businessmen who used to help his father beat him.

I don't mean metaphorically burning bridges either. No. Castiel Novak collected all of these men together in an extremely expensive limousine, pretended to be sending them to the airport where they would do some business for him and then burnt an entire bridge down while they were driving over it. Some people say you could still hear the Novak's maniac laugh from miles and miles away as he watched the bridge burn while sitting on a hill top, drinking a cold beer. But that's just rumours... I believe.

Now I say Dean broke free of his past because i wanted you to keep reading. But it takes a hell of a lot more than getting a good job in a big city to get over a thing like that. I would love to tell you that Dean Winchester handled his past with the strong defiance and courage as he does in Supernatural. But guys, this isn't Supernatural. Dean was weak, he was tired and he was hurting. Every day he wanted to die. Every day he would go back to his small apartment, sit down in the shower and stare into space, fix what little food he had to eat and then crawl into bed only to stay awake until four in the morning, trying to cry himself to sleep.

The man had every right to be weak. He tried so hard to be strong, he had been strong his whole childhood making sure he got everything and his little brother Sam, was safe. The social anxiety that his father gave him made him a social outcast in school. Not only was he bullied as home, but he was bullied at school and every place he went thereafter.

Nothing much had changed from now. At work. Still getting bullied by the bigger people. Take Azazel Goldeyes for example, his boss. You wouldn't expect that from a small building society and contractors, some terrible people could come out of it. But Azazel was a terrible man who earned a lot of money from his own boss. Novak Enterprise. They were the owner of almost every business in the city after all.

Dean didn't know much about Castiel, he didn't own a television and never bought a newspaper in his life because they reminded him too much of his father. He didn't know that Castiel Novak was in and out of prison more times fingers on his hands. He had ten fingers... just saying. To be frank, Dean wasn't really interested in what happened to the bigger man, he was more worried about what the less bigger man would do to him.

Azazel was trying to find any opportunity to fire Dean when he saw how good the man was with cars. He was afraid that the Winchester was going to overtake him at slowly make his way to owning his own car mechanic. But he couldn't fire the Winchester without having good reason too otherwise the union would be on his ass.

Dean was stuck in a rut, he barely earned enough to pay the bills, never mind pay for food and necessities for himself. He wanted out. Not of the car mechanic. But he wanted out of life.

Castiel on the other hand was having a wail of a time. He was fucked up, mentally and physically. He stopped caring long ago about who he killed and what he did. He was becoming cocky and arrogant but he didn't care. Because Castiel Novak was as mad as a hatter. Everyone was terrified of him because he was so unpredictable. He killed for the fun of it, slaughtered without thinking and conned people out of everything they owned.

Nobody was brave enough to stand up to the psychotic socio-path. Nobody would dare get in his way or tell him he was wrong and evil. Nobody dared tell him that he was becoming exactly like his father, because nobody wanted to die the way Castiel Novak could kill you and get away with it. He had the authorities wrapped around his little finger, in fact, he had the whole city enclosed in his iron fist and nobody would dare do anything about it.

Whenever Castiel would kill someone, he would enjoy it. It has even been said that you can hear his laughs echoing the streets, and once you heard that mad laugh, you should run the other way. A monster controlled the city, a villain. And only a hero could stand up to him...



And Dean Winchester was the furthest thing away from a hero you could possibly be. So don't expect this to be that kind of story. Dean won't and can't jump in a save Castiel from a terrible fate, from his own lunatic mind. But Castiel? He could sure as hell jump in and save Dean from ever hurting himself. Not like he would though.

A/N: So, i'm planning for this to only be a short story because i haven't really planned anything out. I just REALLY like the idea of joker cas and Harley Quinn Dean!

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