Chapter Six - Never Try To Escape From a Psychopath

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"You're sick." Castiel's sister said to him, shaking her head. "So what you're saying is you want him to try and escape just so you can catch him?"

"Well yeah, but that's never going to happen is it." Cas replied moodily, resting his head on his hands as he pouted at the ground. "Because the bastard just gives up to easily. How the hell am I supposed to help him if he doesn't even help himself?!"

"You can't make him do anything he doesn't wanna do, Cas." Gabriel says. "And I wouldn't exactly call trying to get him to kill his own father; helping."

Castiel rolls his eyes and pouts slightly while resting a cheek on his hand moodily. All three heads suddenly turned however when a loud crash came from inside the house.

"What the hell was that?" Castiel said, preparing himself to stand up but being too shocked to when he saw his very own Dean Winchester running out into the garden, looking behind him rather than in front so he didn't see the Novaks all sitting there staring at him.

He suddenly stopped and looked around, a look of dismay covering his face as he saw he had gone the complete wrong way.

Two of castiels men walked outside laughing their heads off and shaking their heads as they grabbed one of deans arms each.

"Oh man, I gotta tell ya. He was so close to actually getting out of here because he took us by surprise. Except the idiot decided to turn the wrong way and go further into the house." One of the men snorted and Dean grimaced slightly, shoving his arms to try and get the strong arms off of him.

Castiel opened his mouth to speak but was surprisingly cut off by a bark of laughter coming from deans mouth which only made the men laugh more.

"I was so close." Dean snorted and they laughed more. Cas raised an eyebrow and leant back in his chair, putting a hand on the purple cane by his side. Castiel was surprised to say the least, and of course as you all know, the joker isn't an easy one to surprise or to shock. Cas didn't know whether to be pleased that Dean took him by surprise with his laughter or be angry that he finds it amusing at all.

Suddenly Dean stops laughing and his face goes serious as he sighs quietly to himself.

"What's wrong?" Cas asks, the first words he had actually gotten out since Dean and his men ran out there in the first place.

"What's the point?" Dean shrugged with a little sad smile. "I give up. I won't try to escape anymore."

"Why?" Cas snaps angrily which makes Dean jump and look up at him quickly. "You know you could have kept on running past us and jumped over those gates over there?" Castiel pointed.

"The problem is with you is that you always give up so easily. You could have gotten out. That's what is wrong with your life, you always give up and let people walk all over you. I can train you to be different. To be the person who walks over people rather than visa versa."

"I told you, I don't want anything to do with that crap. I just want to leave and get on with my own life."

"What life?!" Castiel stands up and shouts in deans face which makes him cower back. But Cas grabbed ahold of the front of his shirt and made him stand rigidly still. "You don't have a life outside of this four walls Dean Winchester. You have no friends. You have no true family. You have nothing and you are nothing. What I'm giving you is a chance to be something! To be someone. And I'll be damned if I let yon throw that away. So whether you want to or not, tomorrow morning you will be up at six am sharp to begin."

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