Chapter Ten - A Father for a Father

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A/N: I have arrived from my slumber; I need food and praise from you many different people or I'll have to slither back into my cave

Dean Winchester was going crazy. No metaphorically speaking but literally full blown crazy. He knew what he and castiel were doing was wrong, but instead of ignoring it like he used to, now he just didn't care.

He waited patiently at the mansion for castiel to come home but he was becoming restless. He was also curious. What business could Cas be attending to which he couldn't bring Dean along to? He knew that if he asked, castiel would just shun him for getting involved in something that wasn't his business but that didn't stop his curiosity.

Before he could even make a plan in his head to find out what the psychopath was up to however, castiel was walking through the front door angrily, slamming it shut and pacing around the house thinking.

Dean knew better than to get in his way when he was like this, but still; curiosity got in the way.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, leaning against the doorway to the living room where castiel was pacing. The man spun around quickly and looked at Dean, pursing his lips slightly.

"Do I look okay to you?" He asks in a rough voice, grimacing slightly. Dean flinched away slightly and looked down at the ground, shaking his head,

"No sir."

Castiel tutted and rolled his eyes before walking over to Dean and putting his arms on the mans shoulders.

"There there, my pretty. What's with the sad face? I have a job for you..." Castiel smiled slightly, showing his wolfishly white teeth. Dean looked up suddenly and grinned, leaning into Castiel.

"What is it?" He purred slightly, brushing his mouth up against the jokers.

"I want you to scare someone out of town for me. Don't hurt them, just scare them and make them leave. I don't want you to talk to them either, they will fill your mind with lies."

Dean nodded and agreed on castiels special task for him. He nodded along as cas told him all of the details about the man he wanted him to scare. He told him everything apart from his name and even showed Dean a photo of what he looked like.

It wasn't long before castiel was smacking his ass out of the door and sending him on his merry way. It was the first time Dean Winchester had been out on his own since he got to this place, but he didn't think twice or even once about running away. He was happy there with the joker. For now anyway.

Some would say he was in love. Others, more intellectual people would say that he had Stockholm syndrome, yet there was no full way of ever knowing the truth about it. Dean Winchester could as well be in love with the joker, seen as he was the only person in the whole universe so far that has ever shown him, ironically, the slightest bit of kindness.

So Dean did exactly what Castiel said. He would do this task without asking or second guessing and without the slightest complaint. He suited up and followed Castiels orders towards the hotel in which he would 'scare' someone out of. Dean was confused, he didn't understand why cas wouldn't just get someone less important to deal with a tiny mission such as this but uncomplaining he went up the stairs and knocked on the door that Castiel has commanded of him.

A man answered the door and took one look at Dean and scoffed, shaking his head.

"Castiel send you, did he?"

Deans eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the mans comment, it's not as if Dean was wearing any kind of joker like outfit that people would recognise within a millisecond, and it's not as if his hair was still a mixture of pink and blues, it was back to his normal mousy brown.

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