Chapter 2:Blood runs deeper than water....

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"No,no and NO!!!" 

I roared as I glared at my father with the most malicious glare I could muster.

"It is for the good of the Wolves!And also,know your place!"

"I absolutely refuse to marry someone I don't even know about and have never met before in my life!"

"You have met him before!There was already an arranged marriage that was scheduled to happen once you reached 25 and he reached 26!"

"I don't give a fuck!!!"



My cheek still stung from where he slapped me as my eyes widened in shock.

"It's either you marry Soryu Oh,or your place as second in command will be demolished and you will no longer be apart of the wolves!"

You stupid fucking bastard....

I grabbed the marriage certificate that was placed on the table as I glared at it.I just wanted to take a big fat red marker and draw a big red X across it....maybe across my dad's face too....

I silently trudged out of the room,gritting my teeth as I felt my father's eyes bore themselves into my back as I exited the room.Once outside,Subaru,who was waiting for me came up to me and immediately noticed my angered expression.

"So.....what did he do to get you in this foul mood?"

I glared at him as I thrusted the marriage certificate in his face and he took it and read it.

" I get it.But think of it this way,the Wolves will get much more powerful with the help of the Ice Dragons right?"


"C'mon sis....."

"Yeah well,I don't have a damn choice.That old bastard forced me to.Basically,it's like a forced marriage."

"When is it?"

"The day after tomorrow.I only have one fucking day to pick out my dress and everything!"

I emphasised on 'everything' by waving my arms around as Subaru chuckled.

"Well then,it's a good thing you have me to help you then,isn't it?"

Subaru slung an arm around my shoulder as I smiled wryly.

"I guess...."

"Right then!Come on,let's go look up some info on how to plan the perfect wedding for my big sis!"

Subaru P.O.V.


I grit my teeth as I put a fake smile on my face,hoping she wouldn't notice,and because she was still worried about the wedding,she didn't.

I'm not gonna let go of my sister that easily.

Besides,blood runs deeper than water,or so they say.....

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