Chapter 22:All For You

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Third Person P.O.V.

Carolyn was rushed to the hospital as Soryu and his men took care of Kinuoka.Soryu was blinded with rage that someone dared to force Carolyn to do this.His once grey suit was now stained with blood though it was not his own.Carolyn was immediately taken into the emergency room as Soryu fought with the doctors and nurses to go in there while the other bidders held him back from nearly punching the doctor.

Subaru was sitting on one of the hospital chairs.Reminiscing the past of him and Carolyn.He remembered when she was once pure and innocent.Subaru was not always there for her since he was nearly always busy training and he knew that saddened her,yet he couldn't do anything about it.The day their mother died,marked the start of Carolyn's dark,stone heart.She became cruel,not showing any mercy as she would have done before.The pure little girl changed into a dark demon.

And yet....

Subaru never knew it was possible for her to fall in love.He has seen many men approach her and all turned down with a glare or cold words.What was so special about Soryu?That was what Subaru wished to know as he looked up at the said man who was still struggling in the other guys grasp.Did she really love him?Or was there a motive behind her actions?

Subaru didn't know what to think anymore as he closed his eyes and placed his head in his hands.Praying for his little sister to be alright.


What seemed like hours later,the doctor finally came out from the emergency room as Soryu was by his side in a flash,shooting out questions as the doctor ignored him and turned to Subaru,who had his head raised.

"Her condition is stable...."

Just as the doctor said that,everyone breathed out in relief.

"......but not for long"

The room was once again tense when the doctor said that as the bidders surrounded him in an instant.Questioning him to no end.

"The knife has plunged through her heart,missing the centre of it which was what's making her alive for now.But she won't be for long...her heart can only do so much in it's weakened state.Adding that to her additional blood loss...her chances of her living is 0%.....we're using life support to keep her heart beating as long as it can.But it's confirmed that she has...less than 2 hours....I'm very sorry but...we've done the best we could."

The doctor said silently as he walked away while Soryu pushed on inside the room.He had to blink back tears at the many machines that was hooked to Carolyn as he sat down by her side and softly touched her cheek.It was so cold....

Soryu hugged her against him,his back to the bidders as he cried.His body shaking from his sobs as he placed soft kisses on her forehead now and then.


Subaru watched from outside the door and finally made up his mind.

He went to the find the doctor as they discussed something.After some arguing,the doctor finally nodded wearily,not liking the idea but Subaru could care less.

When Subaru got into Carolyn's room,Soryu was still there,hugging her as he heard silent sobs.Subaru gently placed his hand on Soryu's shoulder as Soryu looked up,cheeks stained with tears as his normally slicked back and neat hair was becoming undone and falling into bangs over his face.

"May I please just...have a moment with her?" Subaru asked as Soryu reluctantly nodded,knowing how Subaru must be feeling right now.Subaru took Soryu's seat by Carolyn's bed as Soryu exited the room.

"Hey there,you look beaten up huh?Almost like you're dead" Subaru tried to joke as Carolyn remained unresponsive.Subaru could feel tears sliding down his cheeks as he hugged his sister.

"Listen sis,we don't have a lot of time here so I'm gonna have to make this quick.I'm...I'm sorry I was never there for you when we were kids....I'm always too late..even now...I failed as your older brother.But I just wanna let you know....I love you from the bottom of my heart little sis....and I would do anything to see you happy and smiling.So that's why....I'm gonna do this for you.I'll sacrifice my everything in order to save your everything"

Subaru kissed Carolyn's forehead as he slowly stood up.He looked back at her one last time...

"I'll give you my heart Carolyn...I'm gonna do a heart transplant to make you live.After all...brothers have to endure for the sake of their sisters...right?"

And with that,Subaru walked out,going to the surgery room.Not regretting upon what he decided to do.

It was all for his sister....

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