Chapter 13:You and I

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The next morning,I slowly hobbled to the door.Soryu was out on some business,promising to be back soon.

I pushed open the door and found Eisuke and Ota there.They turned to me when they saw me as Ota rushed towards me.

"Carolyn!You shouldn't get out of bed!" he said frantically as I waved him off till I realised something.

" didn't say Koro...."  I smirked a bit as he blushed for some unknown reason.I sat down beside Eisuke who was reading something on his tablet as I tried to see what he was reading.

He quirked an eyebrow at me as I frowned when he moved it away.

"Busybody" he said as he looked back to his tablet.

"Hmph!At least I'm not ugly!"

"Did you just call me ugly?!"

"Are you deaf?Wait,maybe you are" I smirked at Eisuke who looked as if he was about to strangle me.

"I will let you know that tons of girls would kill you for what you said!"

"That is....if they even manage to injure me.I mean,what'll they do?Scream at me till I turn deaf?Pfff"I chuckled as Eisuke opened his mouth to retort when Soryu came in.He took a look at Eisuke's face and said:

"You know what,I don't even wanna know.Anyway,come on Carolyn."

Curiosity filled me as Soryu walked away when I called out.

"I'm gonna go change,wait for me in the lobby.10 minutes." I said as I hobbled back as fast as I could into Soryu's suite until I realised something.Shit.

I quickly called Subaru and told him to buy me some clothes from the nearest boutique.Luckily,he was near the hotel and said he'll be here in 5 minutes.I told him to just give it to Soryu who was in the lobby.

Soon after,a knock sounded and I opened it to reveal Soryu,who was holding a plastic bag with raised eyebrows.

"Clothes" I mumbled,a bit embarrassed as I quickly slammed the door and changed into it before I realised what I was wearing.

"What the fuck is this?!?!"

I cussed loudly as I glared at myself in the mirror.Grrr...he's so dead!!!

But unfortunately,I didn't have time to go to headquarters and kill him personally so I had to put if off till I see him again.

I looked at myself in the mirror again.

If I was one of those kawaii girls then I would have looked cute when wearing this,but unfortunately,I'm not.I admit,I might look ok in this,but instead of jumping up and down while squealing like they would have done,I'm wishing I could rip this dress of my body and burn it.

Yes,you heard me.A dress.

It is absolutely revolting!It was one of those summer dress which was just above the knee with no sleeves and a bit low neckline for my liking and showed a bit of my cleavage which is just....argh!

I groaned again.Well,I can't stay in here much as I want to.

So I hesitantly opened the suite door and trudged out reluctantly.

Everyone's eyes were fixated on me once I stepped out into the lounge.Soryu's eyes were as wide as saucers,Baba was having a very perverted look on his face,Eisuke was smirking at me...the stupid little...Mamoru was looking at me a 'what the hell' look and Ota was about to whistle until I snapped a "don't"

Soryu quickly stood up and pulled me into the elevator,just as Baba was about to say something,as well as Ota and Eisuke.I was staring at the floor and peeked up a little,only to find Soryu staring at me.

"Oh my fuck,stop staring at me already!It's not as if you've never seen this before!" I groaned as Soryu coughed and blushed and murmured:

"I don't like women remember?I'd never get close to them."

"What?So you're telling me you've never slept with women before?"



I laughed out loud as I saw Soryu's face get redder and redder,until his faced looked like a ripe tomato!I quickly took out my phone and snapped a picture of it while still laughing though I shouldn't be,since I've never slept with anyone before but I nearly did,once,when I was drunk.But Subaru barged in and knocked some sense into me before anything could happen which I'm grateful for.Hey!I don't wanna lose my virginity to some drunkard!That's just freakin disgusting!

The elevator door opened as Soryu and I stepped out.Women turned to Soryu,with hearts in the eyes as the men looked at me the same way.We both ignored them as we stepped out of the hotel and Soryu intertwined my fingers with his and started walking.I blushed a bit,but stayed quiet,secretly liking it,though I'll never tell him that!

But still though....

I wonder where he's taking me.....

--------------Author's note---------------PLEASE READ----------------------Thank you------------------------

My fellow readers!I apologise for not updating in so long!I just came back from kk and I only managed to write one chapter  -___-

I'm so sorry!I'll start on the next chapter right away!Hopefully,it'll be up by tomorrow,or the day after that!Depends on whether my brain decides to give me the ideas!

I would like to thank my fellow readers for their everlasting support and for putting up with me (since I update as slow as a snail).I'm really grateful for the votes and I just love reading your comments!

Once again,thanks you!

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