Don't Let Go, Not Yet

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I'm not brave

Anything but brave

I'm weak

I'm nothing 

Would anybody care if I just let go

Wouldn't it be easier

On me 

On them

I'm weight

Keeping them from there greatness

I keeping falling deeper

Into this black hole 

It takes over my mind

My body

It takes over me 

It gives me a voice that tells me I'm nothing


Tells me to jump

Jump its easier

 It gave me the scars on my body 

It took over 


What will happen if I do


Yes things will happen

The people I love

They'll think its their fault 

And about the Earth 

The Universe 

What about it 

There be a part 

That wasn't meant to go missing 

It will affect other people 

And I'm sick of

Of what

Of you 

Your voice 

I'm sick of spending my nights crying

Blood running down my legs 


There was nothing 


Sweet, Sweet silence 

It was weird

But a good weird 

I was at peace 

After all this long 

~          ~          ~

Hey! Thank you for reading. And to those of you who feel think nothing, you aren't. People care, even if you don't think so. Trust me I know, but you want to know what I got better. I realized that what i was doing could hurt the people that I cared about and who cared about me. I guess what I'm saying is... HAVE HOPE. Life is like the ocean some parts are terrible, horrible, but others are so peaceful and great. Don't give up hope, things get better.



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