Bad Guy

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I was jealous. I didn't mean what I said.
I was jealous because I knew you loved her more then me.
So I became a monster towards you. I said I hated you when I didn't.
It pains me to see you happy with her even though I know I could never give you what she gives you.
After all we were never ment to be.
It pains me to know that you love her. That you're over me while I'm still here begging for you to notice my love for you.
But after all I shouldn't be mad I'm the bad guy here.
Always have been and all ways will be.
After all I'm the one who pushed you away when I shouldn't have.
But by then we were falling apart.
What happened to us?
Was it me.
It was because I'm the bad guy.
But wait we were already falling apart.
But now when I think of what I did to you I get sick to my stomach. I hurt you. Or maybe I didn't because you already forgot about me.
She was already the center of your unverise.
I'm the bad guy, because I was jealous that I didn't have you anymore.
P.S. this was suppose to go up along time ago but I never got around to publishing but here it is now. Yay!

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