Don't you care

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I know you saw
Your eyes lingered on the white lines on my thighs
The ones I put there
You looked away when you saw I saw you looking
You didn't say a word
You acted like you didn't see
Don't you care
Don't you care that I am cutter
Of course I could be paranoid Maybe you didn't see
No I don't believe it
I believe that you don't care
Or that you won't believe it
I mean I'm your high honor role
Perfect Daughter
Well here's a reality check
I'm not perfect
But you
You don't care
Because you want to believe that I am perfect
That I wouldn't harm my body
Don't you care
That I'm not perfect
I believed that if you saw my scars you would try and help
I was terrified of that
But I shouldn't have been
Because you don't care
When I thought you would

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