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I destroy every beauty I touch

Nothing can save it 

Its better if you just leave

Before a I destroy your beauty 

Before I destroy you 

Why won't you leave

Why won't you leave 

You need to leave 

You HAVE to leave

I can't destroy your beauty 

I would

I would die

I couldn't live

Don't worry I will be fine

I can see your beauty 

From a distance 

You will be fine 

You will forget about me soon after you leave

Everyone does

Why won't you leave 

You need to leave 

Before I destroy your beauty 

Why are you touching my hand

My hands will hurt you 

They'll take your beauty 

Your pure beauty 

They'll replace it with empty ugliness

I want to say this 

But I won't 

Because I am wicked 

Addicted to beauty

Addicted to stealing pure beauty 

Just so I can feel beauty for a short period 

I am a drug addict 

And my drug is 





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