You Made My World Come Crashing Down

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Denis pov 

Today was Dasha last day and i wanted to surprise her with a picnic i went to go get Dasha covering her eyes as we walked down the field the sun starting to set. Surprise i told her finally letting her see what i had planned " oh my god Denis it's so beautiful " she hugged me and let go sitting down beside her we talked she grabbed for the sandwich 

I'm going to miss you when you leave tomorrow "i know " she said with a sadden look on her face taking another bite of my sandwich i wasn't ready for her to leave it was so amazing having her here it was like being at home. Her phone started to go off again sighing she started digging thought her purse 

Oh my god Denis we have to go to  the hospital something happen to Ben my heart started to beat faster in my chest. we packed up quickly and got in the car Dasha started to drive fast as she could go feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket checking my phone *27 missed call from Cameron * quickly unlocking my phone and swiftly calling Calling Cameron he answered on the first ring " where the fuck where you Denis we have been trying to call you all day what the fuck " trying to hold my tears back but failing miserably. I w- was with Dasha is..... is he okay ? their trying to find activity in her brain they have been doing that for a hour there not sure if he is going to make it or not 

Tears started to flow non-stop from my eyes where close to the hospital " alright if anything happens i'll text you if anything happens" okay i saw hanging up the phone starting crying harder " Denis don't cry he will be okay i promise "  it wont i feel like this is my fault somehow " its not Denis this could happen to anyone" 

My phone vibrated a new text message from Cameron " He's breathing but he is still sleeing from the medicine they gave him when he came to he hospital" turning off my phone we were at the front of the lobby hey Dasha will you go find something to do for a while ? " yeah sure i got out of the car closing the door behind me. Walking into the front lobby trying to find where Ben was then walking to the elevator. Ben was on floor 8 slowly walking down the hall to see Cameron with his head in his hands and Sam sleeping soft snores coming from him. Cameron looked up as i was standing right in front of . " You can go in if you wan to " you could tell he was crying his eyes all red his nose stuffy 

Okay i said quietly slowly walking to the threshold of the door i saw him all the HIV tubs in him trying to stop the tears that i didn't know that where falling from my checks. i grabbed the chair that was close the bed moving it closer to the bed grabbing Ben hand. His hand was so warm looking at the heart monitor hearing the soft beep with each of his heart beat. Crying harder whispering Ben please wake up....... putting my head down never letting go of his hand

"Denis ?"     

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