Starting A Whole New Chapter

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Ben Pov

Driving to Danny's house so we can beat the shit out of him Sam rented a car we had to stop the tour for a bit we loved the fans but Denis and i were in the hospital snapping out of my thoughts when i saw the familiar red brick having flash backs to when me and Danny live together before Sam stop the car i jumped out of the car. Sam screaming at me to comeback trying to clam me down i wasn't listening anymore he hit my boyfriend and i'm not okay with that, Pounding on the door until Danny answers the door. "What the fuck...... oh you're here came back to come crawling back to me " he said with a smirk on his face.

No you fucking nothing for good British ass slapping him across his face why the fuck did you slap Denis you asshole i love him not you. Punching me sending me to the ground getting on top of me still slapping me in the face i couldn't let him win he did everything wrong suddenly hands where around me pulling me away from Danny. " He is not worth it stop " swiping off the blood from my nose why the fuck did you hit Denis he didn't do one fucking thing to you ! " Do you not get that i love you i had you first he stole you away from me i was going to ask you to marry me when the time was right ! " THAT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE YOU TOOK MY VIRGINITY AND FUCK SOME SLUT THAT YOU HAD A ONE NIGHT STAND YOU BROKE MY HEART INTO A MILLION PEACES YOU JUST WANT ME BACK BECAUSE I'M HAPPY WITH DENIS NOTHING WILL CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT HIM.

Danny started to laugh "well i told your little boyfriend that i would kill him if he didn't so i guess what i have to do now a big smile on his face " running towards Danny knocking him to the ground beating the sit out of him until he stopped screaming blood gushing from his nose getting up and looking at Danny " this was the guy that i thought i was so in love with him him.. but that was when Asking Alexandria but that was back then Denis is my future and i want to be with him forever until my last dying breath ass crazy as it is " pulling out of my thoughts when Sam asking if he was still alive maybe but who cares he is nothing to us now when he left Asking maybe his girlfriend will find him didn't you see the pictures that was the slut he cheated on me with....

" He is not worth it come on lets get something to eat "

*weeks later *

Ben Pov

today was the first day back at work the crowed was the biggest crowned we ever had in a long time it was amazing. Denis finally it's the best day ever. We told all the guys about our relationship when Denis got better they were happy for us walking hand in head to the stage letting go of his hand as we got closer to the stage not wanting to tell the crowed but us dating until the surprise i wanted to do since after the Danny accident. Starting to get nervous Denis looked into my eyes " baby what is wrong " Denis reaching towards my neck pulling me closer to him nothing babe i said trying to make him think there was nothing wrong with me failing at it badly. " guys time to go on stage " said Cameron kissing Denis softly staring to feel my heart pound do i really want to do this ? of course i do hearing the beginning of " i wont give in " James walking onto the stage hearing screams from the fans as he entered.

Cameron going after James Sam going after Cameron looking at Denis i love you DenDen " i love you too baby kissing him one last time before going on stage the crowned going crazy when they saw me feeling like i was at home again Denis walking on stage " what the fuck is up California " are you fucking ready"

Every breath you take

I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
Every breath you take
I watch you slip away
You're slowly killing yourself
I won't give in

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