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"Faith hurry up n eat before school, you can't be late." My momma called as I thumped down the stairs.
"Took you long enough home. Don't forget me and your father have some admin stuff to do at the church. So we wont be home till late."

I just nodded as I stuffed some toast into my mouth. I heard the school bus honk outside my house; so I kissed my mom on the cheek and ran outside. Down the front sidewalk and hopped up the steps running to the seat Kody was in.
I could hear my momma holler," have a good day." I waved out the window to her before plopping g down in the seat.

"Good morning sunshine," he laughed," ready for the last week of junior year?" I groaned and just shook my head, my curly blonde hair bouncing on my shoulders. He smiled and sat back closing his eyes. He was always so calm, I don't know how he does it. I scanned his face. Tracing his jaw line with my eyes.
My parents have a strict no dating policy meaning no closed doors, no boys in my room, no going to a boys house un supervised. It's a little extreme in my opinion but it is what it is.
I haven't even had my first kiss yet which is a little embarrassing. Considering my best friend has gone to atleast second base.
Oh well maybe it'll be more special. I hope atleast. I fiddled with the small silver cross hanging around my neck while I stared down at my white dress. I always imagine what it'd be like to be in love. Jesus and I have had words about that. All I hear is slow down baby. Doesn't he know that it's hard being a teenage girl.

I felt someone staring at me and looked at Kody. He pinched my cheek and laughed as we pulled up to the school. We walked and met up with our friends; a group that consists of Kody, Jake, Ryan, Sam, Riley and myself.

Our school is full of the typical high school drama like who's going to break up over the summer, whos going on the best vacation and whos going to get the most hammered at a party.
Kody and I headed towards our lockers after saying bye to our friends.
"Faith?" he said I replied yes and he just smiled.
"What weirdo tell me." I laughed punching his arm.
"You look beautiful today." I blushed shaking my head," shut up and lets go to class brat." He clutched his chest dramatically faking pain. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my class; with a final salut aimed at me he turned and ran to the gym. I watched him run until he disappeared around the corner.

I was sprawled out on the couch watching the most recent greys anatomy cuddling with my chihuahua named Goliath when my phone started ringing.

"Hey honey, you found the leftovers in the fridge and ate right?" My mom said through the phone.
"Yeah mom I ate." I replied.
"Good don't forget to do your chores, me and your father will be home in the next hour or so."
"Okay love you." I said, she said she loved me to and then hung up. I finished my episode, debating wether or not to let Netflix suck me in to another episode. I decided against it and went to shower instead. My phone started ringing and I let it go to voicemail. I wasn't about to let anything ruin my shower.
I sang my heart out until the water ran cold. I wrapped the towel around me and headed into my room. I checked my phone and saw Kody tried calling, so I called him back.
"Hey." I said happily while pulling a tank top over my head.
"Faith, i need to say something and just don't interrupt, you are the biggest brat ive ever met; but I love you. I love the way you cover your mouth when you laugh, I love when your concentrating really hard and your nose crinkles,  I love that you can pull off any outfit but you prefer to just lounge in shorts and a big shirt with you hair messy as all hell. I love that you just gasp anytime you hear a bad word, I love you all of you I want you to be mine, will you please be mine?"
I just lay there shocked. What do I say!
Do I tell him of course!
I've loved you since we where like 14?
My parents wouldn't be okay with it. They'd kill me. But its Kody, he's my safe place. My best friend. I didn't know what to do so I hung up.
I walked around my room until it felt like the carpet had a circle burned into it. I was so happy but at the same time I was scared. He kept phoning back but I just ignored the calls. I finally worked up the nerve to answer but all he did was relentlessly apologize, which broke my heart.
"Kody shut up for a minute," I whispered,
"I love you too but you know my dads thoughts about if we do this they can't know."
After talking awhile we said goodnight. I closed my eyes, unable to stop smiling like an idiot. All I could see was him. I didn't sleep much that night.

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