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When I got on the bus in the morning I felt my heart drop to my knees.
I had never been this nervous, why was I nervous?
It's Kody. I tried to pull myself together after all he's been my best friend for years nothing has changed. Well except for the fact he's my boyfriend now.
I plopped down in the seat by him and he smiled at me. His captivating smile made me speechless.
My parents always said that high school dating is never true love and that you shouldn't date until your ready to get married. So basically I cant date until after I'm married.
But the way Kody makes me feel, it makes me think they are wrong.
He intertwined his fingers in mine as we got off the bus. As soon as Sam and Riley saw me their jaws dropped and they squealed.
"It's about damn time Faith you and Kody were meant to be." Riley practically screamed.
"Oh my god what are your parents going to say??!!" Sam questioned looking worried.
All I could say is "They wont say anything, at least not for now."
Kody walked me to my class then kissed my forehead before heading to his own making my head spin. "Hey Faith." He called,  "Have a good class." I buried my head into my books and walked into the class.

After school I got ready to head to the church for the regular Wednesday night youth group. When I got to the church no one else was there yet. As I looked around my eyes stopped at the bulletin board to see what events were coming up. The flyer for the end of school barbeque that our church holds every year caught my eye. The church holds it at a lake an hour from our town. It usually goes until late and there is a huge fire, a ton of food and fellowship. It's the closest to a party that I've ever been to.
"Hey! Have I met you before?" Asked a familiar voice. I turned and smiled shaking my head.
"You're a dork." I laughed.
"That's true but at least i'm your dork." He stuck out his tongue at me. I laughed rolling my eyes. Its crazy how one person can make you so crazy happy. We sat in the first, mainly because my dad wants his daughter in the front row whenever church is happening. The youth pastor talked about abstinence. You know the good old why have sex now when you can wait. Encouraging us to make sure our first time is in our marriage bed. I already know most of the kids have had sex, most snickered. As he ended the night he talked about the barbeque at the lake. While everyone was talking and having snacks i headed to the bathroom when i heard my name. Kody beckoned  me  to the pool room. I sat on the edge of the table, waiting for him to say something. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him kissing me softly. Then he left the room.
After I collected my self I went to the bathroom. When i headed back into the common area everyone was finishing their snacks.

Jake walked me home as usual because my parents prefer I don't walk alone. We where at the corner just before the turn onto my street when he grabbed my hand. I turned to him and he kissed me. For real this time. My actual first kiss I couldn't believe it, my head was spinning. I didn't want it to end but he pulled away with a goofy smile on his face. He said goodnight and headed down his street leaving me there stuck in my thoughts. I tried to sleep that night but I couldn't. Even though I tried. I, Faith the preachers kid had her first kiss.

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