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From the first time I saw him freshman year I was hooked. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes and was going through the awkward braces phase. We met at my churches youth group, Angel which is the name my dad came up with as an acronym of always near gods everlasting love. My dads weird like that but it makes sense since he is the pastor. Yes I am the stereotypical PK. I get straight a's; im a good girl, don't curse, don't drink, I have long hair, cute dresses, I read my bible and I do whatever my parents ask me too. He was with his friends I was with mine. But as it got later in the evening our groups merged and he and I started talking. His name is Kody. We've been best friends ever since. He's my other half, my soul mate I don't know what I would do without him. His mom loves me and my parents like that he keeps me safe. It seems that everyone has this expectation that I be perfect all the time. I'm not perfect, I never have been.

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