I need to see a lawyer right now

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Nina was just doing her usual morning routine. She was fingering herself in that tight juicy pussy, humming to herself ''Niggas ain't shit and I'm horny'' she said as she roughly rubbed her doubled pussy. she rubbed it faster until she accidentally fisted herself. where the fuck did that fat faggot find so much strength-- wow. mucjh shok. very not cool. 10/10 would not write fanfics ever again.

anywaaays, nina didnt care though. she fisted herself deeper as she moaned hysterically, catching ian's attention who was jerking off to his game, five nights at sonics. the semen went everywhere, topping the computer screen whole. ian was a depressed and roasted fuck and he was desperate for a gf so that's not nice. ian went to where nina was and peeked in ''oh my god...'' nin looks at ian like 'omg this is the guy of my dremsmsmmsmsmsmmsmsssssssss atlest he looks like he wont going to be bullied me' nina said, y'know, in her cringey grammar. ian walked up to nina and widened his eyes like, ''this is beautiful...''

and they both fisted themselves because ian was a femboy. apparently he  dressed like mangle on halloween. ew. so gay. nina maoned hysterically as ian screamed and died inside as they have rough and very weird sex. the end. im gonna cry in the corner now and think about what i have created. books like this should be burning in hell

This is the end of me. ~Marianne

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