Best Date Ever.

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After the kinkiest of the kinks conversation on Kik, Stan finally decided to check on his 'future' lover.

Glitch: Brandon babe u ok?

Brandon: Yeah I'm fine just feeling a bit smutty again... Care to  join me?

Glitch: Sure, but hey, got a question for you

Brandon: ???

Glitch: Remember when you gave me your number and address?

Brandon: ...

Incoming call from HotBoiStan!

Brandon stood there, shocked, but accepted the call either way because he was hard to hear Stan's beautiful voice. His huge dick hardened even more as he heard it...

Stan: Hey...

Brandon: U-Um hi-

Stan: How're you, sweetheart?

Brandon: I'm fine I guess.

Stan: Wanna know something?

Brandon: What is it???

Stan then ended the call, quickly Googled up a fancy restaurant and the name of the street, etc. Stan was fast enough to send it to Brandon in seconds, while Brandon was still massively erect and shocked...

Brandon: Aw, fuck offf!!!!

Stan: Sure babe <3 See you at 7

Stan left the conversation, leaving Brandon without any words. He wanted it so much.. So, so fucking much... Brandon couldn't despite his feelings anymore. He HAD to go out there. He HAD to let Stan know.

Moments passed... And it was already 6:30. Brandon was ready to go, wearing a sexy red and yet gay Superman shirt. Brandon sighed with impress and soon left the house.

A few more moments passed... There he was... Stan... The love of his life... 

Brandon widened his eyes so hard as Stan glanced to him, blinking twice, his eyelashes swaying in the wind as he sent a flying kiss. One thing Brandon did not realize was that he was erect once more. His great big schlong almost sticking out of his sexy leather outfit. 

Stan couldn't pass it without noticing and walked over to Brandon with a really, really wide smirk across his face.

"You look on fleek. A'ight, mr. Godmodder, let's go." Brandon massively blushed. But instead of the restaurant, the two appeared to be in a very loud strip club. It was packed with gays, lesbians and straight couples who were fucking in front of other's faces. Brandon adored it. It overcame his expectations! 

"Goodness..." Brandon turned over to Stan as they were walking further, holding hands, "Stan... This is beautiful..." 

"Call me Skyler. That is my real name." Stan's smirk remained, "And I see you were ready all along.. Good job." he winked a bit, walking further in, heading to the bathroom. It wasn't as packed with horny dudes and dudettes, but there was still one fitting cabin. For handicapped. Just the perfect size, too! 

They both walked in and dropped into a rough makeout scene, Brandon being the pinned one. They kissed eachother hard and passionately. With tongues rubbing against eachother.

Brandon squirmed into the kiss, his pupils enlarging, their lips never failing to stick together as if they were glued. 

Stan slowly trailed his hands to Brandon's ass, groping it with the same ol' smirk, "Nice buns y'got there..." he muttered, snaking his hands all around it and even reaching a little lower. To the thighs. Which causes Brandon's massive erection and soft ass lumps to tense up, that way, locking the door.  Stan soon grinded against the other, feeling his rock hard penis rub against the opponent's as it was twitching wildly. "Mmm..."

Brandon emitted another squirm, feeling the great sensation and exposure as the other removed his and own clothings. "Skyler~!" the innocent-looking boy yelled out, now completely exposed. But it was no use. He only felt a soft, pale finger lay it's way down his pink lips. 

Stan got on his knees and slowly proceeded to pull down Brandon's Superman leather pants and underwear all at once, halfway, beginning to examine his erection. Big and beautiful. Stan seductively looked up at Brandon and grabbed onto his dick, lightly stroking it. "Mmm.. That dick is legendary..." Stan got up and cupped Brandon's chin, ramming his lips against the other's as he began stroking faster, yet not too fast to call for ecstasy or climax. He has decided to leave that for later...

Stan was beginning to take place in the interaction, melting into the pleasant kiss. Brandon kissed back, of course, but with more saliva to it, leaving  some to trail down and fall as they parted away. "Skyler, fuck me~!" Brandon purred. Stan pursed his lips for a moment in sarcastic disappoint, before grinding on him once more. "Shh... Wait..." Stan cooed, closely into Brandon's ear, sending him multiple shivers and a jolt, his hard penis twitching a lot. He just couldn't wait... Not could Stan, but he was only exciting himself for the following scenes.

Stan promptly grasped onto Brandon's wrists and turned him around, so he was facing the door, as in pushed against it with his cheek. But what's that...? Stan was still holding onto his wrists! Brandon gave no disclaim and went with what was proceeding already. He enjoyed it a hella...

"S-Skyler, oh my God~!" Brandon practically screamed out, yet the dick was still not inside him. Stan was already enough to make him moan internally... That glorious cunt... Hence, Stan grabbed onto his bulge as soon as he passed Brandon's other wrist into his second hand, spanking it against his ass.

 The spanking  somewhat intensified, leaving Brandon to emit sighs of excitement. Deep sighs, even. However, Stan then started spreading a bit his buttcheeks, making it comfortable to slide his dick into. Brandon's roundness was marvelous. "M-Mhhh~!" Brandon murmured as he felt the tip enter him, then feeling the rest. It was huge, almost endless.   

Stan slowly pulled back and shifted his grip to a new place. To two new places. Stan wrapped his hand against Brandon's dick and began stroking it, injecting himself back as he was caressing Brandon's hair, "A-Ahh..~" the both managed to moan at once.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." said Stan/Skyler and slapped the boy's ass, leaving a red mark on them. His face  soon leaned in, starting to plunge into Brandon's neck, giving him rather dark hickeys, which brought him even more intense pleasure... "You're so deep and tight..."

"And you're so fucking big..."  purred the other boy, feeling Stan's holy magic wand slip in and out at a slow pace.

"Skyler..." Brandon muttered, not finished with his sentence yet. He paused to put a hand onto Stan's neck and let it hang loose from there, "Please... Don't lose the pace.. For just a bit more..." he wanted to enjoy his time before he reaches his climax. Which was approximately... In a few seconds. Only the single look of Stan made his bulge rise up like our dark lord Chin Chin. "A-Ahh...~!" Brandon almost yelled as he came without warning, Stan, however, never ending his movements. He reached down and licked the tip and sucked on it a bit, getting the rest of the cum into his mouth before he 'triumphantly' swallowed it. As in glanced up to Brandon without tilting his head. In a rather lustful and seductive manner.  "Hm... I was never finished yet.... You're so easy, dear...~" he snickered silently  as his thrusting began to gain speed. Lots and lots of speed, keeping it for the rest of the remaining time. "Mmmhhh~" Stan felt as if he was getting close now. So, with a rather loud last moan that even caused the walls to shake a little, he dropped all of his load inside of Brandon. 

Lmao kthnx for reading this shitty chapter I was too lazy to continue this so enjoy while you still can lmfao 

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