My Beauty- Luhan

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"Ah! Did I just hear a howl?!" (f/n) said

"Y-yeah.. ____, come on! Let's go back to camp.. I'm starting to get scared" your other friend said

"Shush.. I think were nearing the house.."

You were currently at a forest, flashlights in hand because your school had held a camping activity and while you were unpacking your bags, you heard one of your classmates talking about a house that's in the middle of this forest and you decided to go ghost hunting and secretly got out of camp dragging your 2 friends with you

"____ please... I want to go back to camp.."

"If you want to go back, then go.. I'm still going to that house..." you said turning to them

"Are you serious?! What if you get eaten by ghosts or.. I dunno.. Wolves!"

"Don't be crazy.. Ghosts don't eat humans... And as I know, wolves don't really exist in this forest"

"Ugh whatever.. (f/n) are you coming with me or are you staying here?"

"I'm coming! Sorry ____... Good luck and come back alive ok? Bye!"

Then they started running back to where the camp was

The cold wind blew and you tightened your grip to your jacket and continued walking


'Those are not wolves ____.. They're just dogs ok? Stop being a scaredy cat...' you tried convincing yourself

After a few minutes of walking you finally reached a really old house made of wood and has vines on the wall.

You noticed a lit candle inside the house through the window

'It's not abandoned? There's actually someone living in there?!'

You slowly walked to the house and got to the front door and noticed that there were claw marks on it

"Ok I think I'm going back no-"

"What are you doing here?"

You were startled when you heard a voice coming from inside the house

Too surprised too speak, you just stood there then you saw that the door was starting to open and it revealed a handsome guy with spiky blonde hair who was wearing an all black outfit with.. Fur??

"I said.. What are you doing here?"

"U-umm.. I thought that this house was a-abandoned and.. Uh I'm going now.."

You started to turn back but then a hand suddenly grabbed your arm and to your surprise the handsome stranger started circling you and sniffing you like a dog

"Uh.. What ar-"


This time the howls were getting louder and nearer than before

"We should get you inside.. The other wolves are going to catch your scent..."

Then he pulled you inside the house and the faint smell of wood and tea caught your nose

"How do you know that those are wolves??? And what do you mean by OTHER wolves?!"

"Of course I know. Because... I too am one of them..."

Then you noticed that his brown eyes started to turn pure black and he started going near you but you stepped back causing your back to meet the door

"Please don't hurt me..." you whimpered

Then he put his hand on your cheek looking at you with his eyes

"I'm not going to hurt you..."

Then you looked at his eyes again and noticed that theyre back to normal now. He brought down his hand and motioned you to follow him

You both got to a part of the house which you assumed to be a kitchen and he made you sit down on a chair

After that he brought you a cup of tea and he sat across you from the small table

"Thank you.. Uh..."

"Luhan.. Just call me Luhan. What's your name?"

"I'm ____."

"You know ____.. It's really dangerous for a beauty like you to wander into the forest alone..."


"Yeah.. I think the reason why the other wolves are howling is because they've noticed a scent of a beauty... Too bad you're mine now."

"W-what?! Who gave you that idea???"

He suddenly stood and walked beside you and kneeled so you were his height then he started to lean in. The moment your lips touched, you felt a sudden rush of electricity all over your body then you opened your eyes and saw that the two of you were surrounded by light

"You're mine now.. My beauty..."

**Well this was fun to write.. I think I might write some one-shots with a fantasy touch to it ㅋㅋㅋ**

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