•Chapter 18• Management Rules.

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Chapter 18

Victoria's Point of View.

I wrapped my arms around Roman: tightly. Never wanting to let go. We swayed as we both embraced each other. Tears were coming down both of our faces. Blood shot eyes.

"Call , text and skype me everyday okay Vic?" Roman asked while wiping my tears away.

"I promise babe." I said while still crying.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that he crashed our lips together. Being like he is , it was passionate and meaningful.

"Come on! I'm waiting here!" Roman's best bud , Ethan , was calling.

"Coming." Roman simply said.

He gazed in my eyes. He had an apologetically look.

"Bye Vic."

"Bye Roman."

And with that he left a peck on my cheek.

"Bye little Rosalie." He said , smiling. He gave her a kiss on her forehead.

He walked away: heading towards Ethan's car. He waved goodbye and left.

I closed my front door. I let Rosalie in her rocker to take her fall asleep.

I started crying silently.

Suddenly the door swung open.

"I need one more kiss babe." Just then Roman came running to me.

I had my legs wrapped around his waist. He kissed me. And he kept kissing me. I love him so much. Tears began falling down my cheeks. He broke apart and smiled.

"I love you Vic. And always remember that." Roman spoke.

"I love you Roman. And YOU always remember that." I smirked and got down from his grip.

He gave me one last kiss and waved goodbye. He left out the door.


Roman's Point of View.

"You can do this."

"No I can't."

"Yes you can."

Me and Ethan were beaming at each other. I told him I can't leave Victoria on her own. It's my first time.

"Just deal with it. Here , call her on my phone to check up already. Okay?"

Ethan handed me his phone and I quickly dialed her number.

It rang three times before the ring suddenly stopped and her voice perked up on the phone.


"Hey Vic."


"I just wanted to check up on you babe."

She chuckled "It's been 10 minuted babe."

Ethan screamed at her through the phone "I said the same thing!"

I gave him a scowl.

"I just wanted to see if you had any trouble in those 10 minutes."

She laughed slightly "I've been fine. Rosalie just fell asleep."

"Okay. Do you need anything babe?"

"Roman! You left , you can't get me anything. And plus I don't need anything. Stop worrying!"

"I can send it to you once I land in Mullingar."

"Ireland? You're going to Ireland?"

I stiffened "Yeah. That's where my tour hits off. Weird right?"

"Yeah. Definitely weird."

"Well bye babe , Love you."

"Love you too Roman."

She hung up and the call dropped.

We arrived at the airport and I saw Paul , my bodyguard. And fuck. Management was there. What do they want?


"This is not fair Paul!" I screamed.

Paul's finger shifted to management "Their rules."

"You guys fucking annoy me!"

"Here son , just read this." Management handed me a letter.

'Management orders. OBEY.

-Don't have contact with Victoria Luna

-Don't talk about Victoria Luna.

-Don't tweet about Victoria Luna.

-On this tour , you do NOT have a girlfriend or a kid.

Obey these rules and you have NO problems.

Signed by Modest!'

I sneered at Paul "You can't fucking do this to me!"

"Rules son. Obey them."

And with that Management left and Paul motioned me and Ethan to go in the airport to catch our plane to Mullingar.

"Modest is a bunch of cunts." I mumbled.

"Yeah , I know. But they are my bosses. I have to obey. You do too." Paul glanced at me for a while and kept walking.


Victoria's Point of View.

I thought Roman would have called me by now.

But I'm guessing the plane is a little late to land in Mullingar.


Updated lovelies! x.

Song Suggestion: Baby I by Ariana Grande

-Veronica ;) x.

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