•Chapter 37• Over Again.

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Chapter 37

Victoria's Point of View.


I keep the letter close to my chest as I let my tears form and fall. I close my eyes tightly and reopen them. Things start to fade in front of my eyes. I look around and everything is slowly dissolving away. It is like my whole world is fading at this point. I close my eyes once again.

I am now drifted into a deep sleep. I am tired of all of this.

. . .

Roman's Point of View.


Lou finally came back and told me Victoria received the letter. I am very nervous at this point. I am shaking and constantly nibbling on my nails- habit. What if she rips it? Or what if she didn't bother to read it? One question is taunting me- will she ever forgive me?

"You will no longer have nails, Roman." Ethan brought me from my thoughts and I roll my eyes at my best friend- obviously annoyed.

"Shut up, please. I'm nervous." I snap back at my best friend. Ethan rolls his eyes and mocks my actions that I took just minutes ago.

"She'll come back, she always does." Ethan remarks and I snap my head in his direction. I am about to blow.

"Are you saying no matter what fucked up shit I do, she always comes back? Are you basically calling her a whore?" I remark to Ethan- who is dumbfounded.

"I never called her a whore, Roman. You are overreacting." Ethan says to basically calm me down. I sigh.

"Yeah, I guess." I say back to Ethan.

. . .

"When's the twenty-ninth?" I ask Lou. I bounce my right leg up and down.

"Tomorrow, why? You have plans?" Lou asks me and I am really nervous, more than before. I asked Rhydian, Vic's best friend, when her senior prom was just to surprise her and it's tomorrow!

"I planned on surprising Vic on her prom day. I am

Just really nervous." I say and my palms begin to sweat just by thinking about it.

"You're so sappy." Ethan teases me as he walks into the dressing room.

"Anything for Vic." I smile at my words.

. . .

Victoria's Point of View.


"It makes me look more gay," Rhydian says. "I like it."

I laugh at my best friend's comment. He joins in on the laughter and places the tuxedo back in my closet. He has been staying over since yesterday because we both want to get ready for prom together. We hung out with Rosalie all day today. We went to some carnival and went to eat at a restaurant- which I enjoyed. Rosalie is at my mother's house again.

I am pretty excited for tomorrow since we have no school and plus Rhydian and I get to dance as crazy as we want and don't get judged.

"Let's have a lazy day today." I suggest and Rhydian laughs.

"We went out all day with Rose, don't you mean lazy night." Rhydian laughs and I nod my head in agreement.

"Let's go." I motion my hands towards downstairs. He follows behinds me. I slump on the couch and Rhydian does the same. I switch on the television and pick a random movie.

I lean my head and it finds its way into the crook of Rhydian's neck. I hear soft snore creak out of Rhydian's mouth and I soon find my eyes gets heavy and next thing I know, sleep has consumed me.

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