Meet the Characters

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As you all know, the last two seasons had mostly hostile monster mobs. This season will have mostly passive animal mobs.

Here are the characters that will be in Total Drama Biome Tour.

Squid--Cean - M

Bat--Ech - M

Cow--Cocoa - M

Mooshroom--Moolissa - F

Pig--Wilbur - M

(White) Sheep-Sherry - F

(Brown) Horse--Haylee - F

(Gray) Donkey--Jack - M

(Gray) Mule--Colton - M

Wolf--Kain - M

Ocelot--Chloe - F

(Orange) Cat--Tic Tac - F

(Pure White) Rabbit--Ory - F

Chicken--Cluck - F

Zombie Horse--Jesse - M

Skeleton Horse--Jamey - F

Baby Mooshroom--Mooshie - M

Baby Pig--Porky - M

Baby Wolf--Stella - F

Baby (Light Gray) Sheep--Wooly - M

And now for their personalities.

Cean--Male Squid: Exceptionally good at water activities, but very slow on land. He can talk to any guy easily, but he's very shy around any girls.

Ech--Male Bat: Very quiet, and very weak. No one really notices him. He can hear very well.

Cocoa--Male Cow: A party animal (literally). He loves to have fun, but can be really emotional sometimes.

Moolissa--Female Mooshroom: Flirts with everybody, but no one really likes her. She knows no one likes her, so she tries flirting with everyone to feel loved. It doesn't really work.

Wilbur--Male Pig: If they were a class, he would be the class clown. He's pretty funny, but is also a really big jerk sometimes. He doesn't really care about anything, just wants to have fun.

Sherry--Female Sheep: Is the mother of the baby sheep, Wooly. She is very overprotective of him, which is why she joined the show as well. She insists that everyone calls her "Mrs. Woolsworth".

Haylee--Female Horse: Talks way too much, and everyone finds her really annoying. Has a country accent.

Jack--Male Donkey: Can be a real jerk to everyone. He's really cool and loves to have fun, though.

Colton--Male Mule: He's really nice to everyone, but sometimes too nice. He apologizes way too many times after messing something up, which is often.

Kain--Male Wolf: He's very good at physical activities, and everyone likes him. He feels like everyone only sees him for his abilities, though, and is very sad inside. He doesn't have a collar.

Chloe--Female Ocelot: Scared very easily, and is paranoid about everything. She always thinks of the worst outcomes for everything.

Tic Tac--Female Cat: Pretty rude to everyone; pretty much an average, basic popular white girl. She likes to be called Tac.

Ory--Female Rabbit: Very sweet and nice to everyone. She thinks of the best of everyone, and doesn't hate anybody.

Cluck--Female Chicken: A way over the top feminist. If someone puts her down or even offers to do something for her, she'll ask "Why, is it because I'm a girl?"

Jesse--Male Zombie Horse: Tries to be evil, but fails all the time. Friends with Jamey, the Skeleton Horse. Basically like James from Team Rocket.

Jamey--Female Skeleton Horse: Tries to be evil, but fails all the time. Friends with Jesse, the Zombie Horse. Basically like Jessie from Team Rocket.

Mooshie--Male Baby Mooshroom: Doesn't speak. Very stupid and clumsy, but adorable. Best friends with Porky.

Porky--Male Baby Pig: Doesn't speak. Very stupid and clumsy, but adorable. Best friends with Mooshie.

Stella--Female Baby Wolf: A very cute, sweet little girl. She uses her smallness to her advantage, manipulating people to do what she wants. She has a pink collar.

Wooly--Male Baby Sheep: Tries to be cool, but can't really do that with his overprotective mom, Sherry. His real name is Woolington, but only his mom calls him that, and he hates it.

Herobrine--Male: The host of the show. He doesn't care about anyone's safety, and will make the challenge as dangerous as he wants. He also has magical powers.

That's all the characters! I hope you like them!

I am aware that 1.10 came out, and polar bears are in it. But, I had already had a lot of this book planned before they were added, so they will not be in this season.

I will publish an episode every Saturday (with some exceptions).

First part of the first episode will be up this Saturday, June 18th!

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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