Episode 9

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"Last time on Total Drama Biome Tour, the mobs travelled to a beach to build sand castles! The best castle, judged by former contestant Ron, won immunity, and the worst sent someone home. When Porky and Mooshie surfed a wave onto Wilbur And Them's castle, it was destroyed, and that team lost. Team Jet had the best sand castle according to Ron. Anyway, the votes were a tie between Jack and Wilbur, but Jack had found the immunity idol on the beach, and Wilbur was sent home. What dangerous challenge will I force the mobs to do today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Biome Tour!" Herobrine said.


The Mammals (4): Wooly, Porky, Mooshie, Sherry

Wilbur And Them (4): Jack, Cocoa, Stella, Moolissa

Team Jet (4): Ech, Jesse, Jamey, Ory


Team Jet were in first class.

Jamey and Jesse had cucumbers over their eyes as they relaxed in massage chairs. For once, they were silent.

Ory was also sitting in a comfy chair, looking out the window of the plane. Ech did the same, but not near any of the others.


The Mammals were in coach again.

"This place is disgusting," Sherry said. "Did people come in here and make it gross while we were on the beach?"

She picked up a candy wrapper from the ground, then dropped it in disgust. Wooly rolled his eyes.

Porky and Mooshie were running in circles again. Did they ever run out of energy?


Wilbur And Them were also in coach.

"You know, we can't really be Wilbur And Them anymore if Wilbur isn't on the team," Cocoa said.

"Yeah. Ay Herobrine!" Jack shouted.

Herobrine appeared. "What? I'm trying to fly a plane, here."

"Wait, if you're here, then who's flying the--" Moolissa started.

"Wilbur is gone. Can we pick a new team name?" Jack asked.

"Hmm...no." Herobrine disappeared.

"Come on!" Jack shouted. "Whatever. There's only four of us on this team. They gotta be disbanding soon."

Stella was silent, like she always was.


The plane landed, and the twelve remaining mobs stepped out to find themselves on some plains again. In front of them was an entrance to a cave.

"Your next challenge is down there," Herobrine said as he appeared

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"Your next challenge is down there," Herobrine said as he appeared. "Technically, a cave isn't a biome, but meh."

"We are not going down there. Do you know how dangerous caves are?" Sherry asked.

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