"Last time on Total Drama Biome Tour, the mobs travelled to a desert, and had to stand on a pole for as long as possible. I bribed them off with shade and lemonade, and in the end, Kain saw a hallucination of Chloe and lost for The Mammals. Wilbur And Them won first class, and Kain was eliminated. What do I have in store for the mobs today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Biome Tour!" Herobrine said.
The Mammals (4): Wooly, Porky, Mooshie, Sherry
Wilbur And Them (5): Jack, Cocoa, Wilbur, Stella, Moolissa
Team Jet (4): Ech, Jesse, Jamey, Ory
Wilbur And Them were in first class.
"Finally, we won a challenge," Jack said, relaxing on a comfy chair.
"It was pretty challenging," Wilbur replied. Nobody was sure if that was even a joke or not.
"Technically, Stella won the challenge for us," Moolissa spoke up from nearby.
"Who asked you?" Jack asked.
"Nobody, but you can't take the credit for something you didn't do," Moolissa answered, glaring at him.
Stella shrunk back against the window she was next to. She didn't want to be the cause of a fight.
"Kinda like how you can't pretend you're prettier than you really are, huh?" Jack retorted.
Cocoa looked back and forth between Moolissa and Jack. He didn't know what to do.
Finally, Moolissa turned away without a word, ignoring him. Jack huffed.
Jack's Confessional
"That girl really needs to go."
Team Jet were in coach.
Ory was alone, sitting on a bench in the corner. She was mumbling to herself.
Ech was also alone, but he wasn't crazy. He silently waited for the plane to land again.
Jamey and Jesse were arguing once again.
"So if I'm voted off, you will volunteer to go home instead, right?" Jamey asked.
"Of course not!" Jesse exclaimed. "I can win this show without you. You, on the other hand, cannot."
"Excuse me? I am ten times better than you at everything!"
"Really? Because I seem to remember finishing that race in episode one before you."
The skeleton horse and zombie horse continued to argue.
Ech's Confessional
"Those two argue a lot. Maybe I could use that against them."
The Mammals were also in coach.
Porky and Mooshie were jumping from bench to bench, trying not to touch the floor of the plane.
Sherry and Wooly sat on one bench. Sherry was watching Porky and Mooshie in disgust. Wooly was watching them with longing, wanting to play, but knowing his mother wouldn't let him.

Total Drama Biome Tour
FanfictionThird season of "Total Drama Minecraft"! Twenty entirely new contestants. Eighteen different biomes. A million emeralds. One winner. Who will win the million emeralds this season? Read "Total Drama Minecraft" and "Total Drama Nether" before reading...