"Last time on Total Drama Biome Tour, we met our 20 animal contestants! Our first biome was the plains. The contestants did a racing challenge to determine the three teams. After they decided team names, each team had to build a village of three buildings. Our favorite Villager Joe came back to decide which team won and lost. The Mammals lost, and Haylee was sent home. What will happen today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Biome Tour!" Herobrine said.
The Mammals (6): Kain, Chloe, Wooly, Porky, Mooshie, Sherry
Wilbur And Them (7): Jack, Cocoa, Wilbur, Stella, Cluck, Colton, Moolissa
Team Jet (6): Ech, Jesse, Jamey, Ory, Tic Tac, Cean
The plane was flying. Wilbur And Them were in first class.
Stella was looking out the window of first class, ignoring Cluck's babbling about "useless men" to Colton nearby. Colton was also a man, but he was just nodding his head along with what Cluck was saying.
Jack, Wilbur, and Cocoa were still enjoying first class. Empty containers of food and drink littered the floor all around them.
Moolissa strutted by, trying to look sexy. Jack and Wilbur made grossed out faces at her until she left.
"Dude, why does she think she's so hot?" Jack asked.
"I don't know! She's the opposite of hot!" Wilbur replied.
"We should definitely vote her off soon," Jack said.
Jack and Wilbur looked at Cocoa, confused.
"I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to vote off the chicken? She is much more annoying," Cocoa explained.
Jack and Wilbur looked at each other. They looked back at Cocoa.
"I guess so," Jack said.
Cocoa's Confessional
"Whew. Saved myself there. I didn't want to make it sound like I like Moolissa. Because I don't. Really."
Jack's Confessional
"I'm keeping my eye on Cocoa. If he turns too soft, he's out of the gang."
Wilbur's Confessional
"That mooshroom is so ugly, it reminds me of my grandma!"
Team Jet was in coach, separated from the other two teams.
Ech and Cean sat next to each other, not saying a word. They were just enjoying each other's company.
Tic Tac was looking at her reflection in the window, pretending to take selfies. But, she didn't have her phone with her, so she couldn't actually take any.
Ory say by herself with a smile on her face, not saying anything.
Jesse and Jamey were together, discussing their opponents' weaknesses.
Total Drama Biome Tour
FanfictionThird season of "Total Drama Minecraft"! Twenty entirely new contestants. Eighteen different biomes. A million emeralds. One winner. Who will win the million emeralds this season? Read "Total Drama Minecraft" and "Total Drama Nether" before reading...