Ballet Brought Him To Me(A Percy Jackson Fanfiction)

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Hey! LIVELOVEBOOKSSS here. I have never written fanfiction before, so excuse the story's sucktasticness. Here goes nothing.


'Twist, tour jete, arabesque. Remember your free hand, Annabeth,' I chant to myself. I always forget. My dance audition for my ballet company's production of "Swan Lake" was tomorrow, and my goal was to score the role of Odette, the main character, who gets turned into the swan, etc., etc.

My best friend, Thalia, is watching me, critiquing my dancing, for se enjoys dancing also. "Free hand, Free hand," Again, she says that horrid phrase. Other than that, Thalia claims my audition routine is "fabulous."


Walking home from the studio, Thalia and I griped about having to go back to school next week.

"Maybe there will be a new boy who's slightly attractive. Who knows?" I asked Thalia. Thalia replied, "Do you honestly think I give a crap about boys?" That snarky party pooper. Ugh. As we pass the bakery downtown, the smell of fresh sweets fills our noses.

Being my best friend, Thalia could read my mind. "No. No cookies." The two of us went to the bakery and bought chocolate-chip cookies frequently. Thalia patted her stomach and began to "play" it like it was a drum. "I need to stay skinny for just another day before auditions."

"Come on," I said. "One cookie won't hurt anything."

"Ah, fine."


It always feels good to end a hard day with a visit to that wonderful place.

We parted ways about two blocks from the bakery, where Elm Street and Broad Street intersect, me turning left on Elm, Thalia continuing down Baker Street. "See you tomorrow!" I yelled after her, for she had already started running back to her house.


My house is a traditional house that my mother had recently hired someone to paint a pale blue hue. Some would call it small, but I consider it cozy. It has eight rooms, including my and my mother's bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, dining room. Ideal small cottage, right?

Dinner consisted of leftover spaghetti, garlic toast, freezer burned Lima beans, and boredom. I sat alone in the kitchen until my plate was cleared. Usually, I am a big fan of Lima beans, but those were just plain nasty. I clean my plate and put it back in the cupboard.

I walk down the hallway to my room to rest up for tomorrow, passing Mom on the way.

"How was dance?" Mom asked.


"Did you learn anything new?"

"No, auditions for Swan Lake are tomorrow, remember,"

"Ah, yes. Little Annabeth, taking on the role of Odette."

"We haven't even auditioned yet. Why are you calling me Odette already?"

"Because I'm certain you'll get the part."


When I finally laid down in bed, it was about 10:00 p.m. How wonderful. Then the insomnia got the best of me.

What if I mess up my audition? What if I forget about my free hand? What if I don't get cast as Odette and I feel good about my audition? What if? I went through every step of my routine in my head. 'Step, turn, chassé, leap...'

The questions kept me up for about half an hour, until I finally drifted into dreamless sleep.

How was that? Please comment to tell me. That was kind of introductory, it'll get more interesting. So yeah. Bye. I'll update in a few days.


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