Chapter 3: I Wonder

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I'm back! I'm kinda exhausted so don't expect me to update like tomorrow or anything, but I'll try. I found a new word today.

Crapulous- it's when you feel so full after eating that you feel sick.

It's amazing. New favorite word, up there with sucktastic.


I walked out of the room, relieved. I am very pleased with my performance. I watched my free hand, making sure it stayed pretty and didn't look like, in the words of my old dance teacher, "wet noodle hands."

I ran up to Thalia with a huge smile on my face.

"How'd it go?"

"Oh, I guess it went..AMAZING!" I did a little happy dance, unable to control myself.

Across the room, we heard Mrs. Jackson say loudly, "Thalia Grace!"

Thalia was next. She jogged to the director and through the door. The door closed loudly, a little too loudly for my liking, behind them.

I sat in the lobby for about seven minutes, thinking about my audition, about the director, about my aching feet, about Percy. I sat, twiddling my thumbs.

'I hope Mrs Jackson liked my audition. What if I did something wrong? Percy is cute. I'm lad my track didn't skip. BACK UP. Did I just say Percy was CUTE? Darn my girly feelings. I wonder if Thalia saw him. I wonder why I haven't seen him before.'



The next girl was a girl named Thalia. She was shorter, with short, jet-black hair and electric blue eyes(which were extremely intimidating...wouldn't want a death glare from her...). She danced well, but she didn't move as well as Annabeth.

'I wonder if she even noticed me. This is really boring. Wow. My thoughts are everywhere. Annabeth is so hot. Good gods, percy. What are you thinking? You'll probably never see this chick again.'

The rest of the auditions were kind of a blur. Tedious stuff, dance auditions. Hours and hours of classical music.

Auditions were finally over. I get to go home and listen to music that wasn't written by old European guys in fancy white wigs. I lay on my bed and immediately drift into sleep.



Thalia walked out the door, looking relatively happy.

"Ahem. Audition. Info. Now. Please," I said quickly.

"I thought I did well. I did everything correctly. No trips, skips, missteps, et cetera."

"I didn't even know you knew what et cetera meant," I replied jokingly.

"I'm smarter than I look," Thalia retorted.


We laughed nearly the entire way back to our houses. When we calmed down, one of us would make some sort of sound, and we'd have another laugh attack.

"Bye Thalia!"

"Bye, you goober!"

Overall, today was a good day.

I turned left on Elm Street like I had so many times after dance, happy thoughts running through my head. When I got to my house, I ran to the door and to my room. I practically flew to my bed out of exhaustion. I was out like a light.

How was that? Okay? Okay. I feel like I should be watching the football game I'm attending.


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