Chapter 5: Schedules, Shopping, and Pointe Shoes(kind of)

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Hey! I'm back! I was SUPER busy this week! So sorry for not updating! So yeah, I've been procrastinating for about two hours. Yay. I should do homework. But I don't want to. But I need to. But... Oh nvm.



This afternoon was the beginning of a strenuous period of training, learning, dancing. I loved it. The first rehearsal was in five minutes, and I was tying my pointe shoes.

We walked into the studio, and split up. I exercised on the barre. Thalia did the same.

"So, rehearsals, huh?" She said unenthusiastically. "Yay."

"You're not excited?"

"Ballet equals exercise. Exercise equals tiring. I just want to go home. And sit on the couch. And eat. Of course."

"Exercise equals more food," I replied.

"I guess you're right."

We both laughed hysterically for no good reason. But that's not an abnormal thing.

Today was mainly stretching, warming up a little, and sitting on the floor listening to Mrs. Jackson read our schedule. I had to be here more than Thalia did. Luckily, we were together every day she had practice.

We warmed up a little because we hadn't danced in several days. Barre stretches consisted of an in-depth conversation.

"I'm hungry," said Thalia.

"Hello, practice now, eat later. We've been over this."


We finished dancing about thirty minutes later. Naturally, the bakery was our first destination.

One cupcake later, we skipped home. As soon as I got to my bedroom, I immediately flopped on the bed. So much for getting anything done. Sleep came quickly.




Tomorrow was the first day of school, and Thalia and I, naturally, were not one bit prepared. We had to wake up at six in the morning and drive to Waffle House to fuel up for our tiring day. We needed school supplies, cute new clothes(of course), and more school supplies. Yay. Oh yeah. And dance. Just me, not Thalia. (*hashtag* dancerlyfe) guess what sucks! Dancing without Thalia.

Three waffles, four shirts, three pairs of jeans, eight binders, one calculator, and about fifty pencils later, we parted ways near the studio. Thalia, being the most amazing person I've ever met, said she would drop my stuff off at my house. Gotta love her.

You'll never guess who was at the door when I walked into the dance studio.


Oh my god, Thalia would freak. She hasn't shut up about how "adorable" we'd be together. Umm, I say no. Sure, he's hot, but I've never met the guy. And you know. Talked to him. So he might as well be the man on the moon I saw through my telescope. Wow, that was a confusing analogy. Hmph.

"Uh, hi."

"Hello," he replied. Wow, he looked so much like his mother, but so unlike her. He had, like, an angled jaw and a bit of a pointed nose, unlike mrs. Jackson's, whose features were rounded, yet they had the same eyes, same hair, same smile. It's freaky how much more observant you are when you're nervous. Wait. Nervous? Why? Oh yeah. It's Percy.

Ugh. Internal conflict sucks. The rest of the conversation went about like,

"Yeah, I'm here for rehearsal, are you stuck here with your mom?"

"Of course I am. Why else would I be here?"

"To experience my beautiful dancing?" That drew laughs from both of us.

"Oh yes, definitely."

"I should probably, like, go dance now."

"Good idea." Percy pirouetted into the other room. I repeat, pirouetted, like, gracefully. I find this guy interesting. A bit of a fruit loop, but in a good way.

The rest of the evening went like so: dance, eating chicken, packing a backpack, sleeping. Absolutely dull.

Sorry it was kind of short, but you know, homework and such. Yeah. Bye.


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