Chapter 3

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"I'm really gonna miss you when you leave. I mean an entire year without my boyfriend." Cris says hugging me as I make my way to meet the group.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but like I said, Facebook, Text and Skype will get us through this."

As I stop to hug her before I leave, she gets a text.

"Umm...It's from Sarah. I gotta go. It's urgent. I guess I'll see you, well talk to you later. Bye babe!" She yells giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and running out the airport entrance.

I didn't even get a proper goodbye. So much for missing me.

"What was that about?" Harry asks me as I walk over to the group.

"I don't even second she's upset I'm leaving, the other she's rushing out to meet her friend. Makes me feel like crap!"

"Well look on the bright side, you'll be traveling to different countries, meeting all of these sexy ladies and you could go around singing 'Oh oh oh oh! It's international love!'" He jokes.

"Yeah yeah." I punch him playfully on the shoulder. "You can do that. Unlike you I can keep down a faithful relationship."

"I wouldn't consider Cris' side of the relationship 'faithful'."

"And why is that?"

"I mean look! She ran away without a proper goodbye and your here believing she's all innocent. Did tou see who texted her?"

"Not exactly...she just told me it's Sarah." Now that I think about it, it does sound weird.

"See? She could be whoring around and you wouldn't even know."

"Don't talk about her like that Harry!!"

"I don't mean to. I'm just saying beware."

What if he is right? What if she's going to meet her other 'friend' instead of Sarah? Would she really do that to me? Was she counting on this moment? She was waiting for me to leave so she can live her other life.

Get these thoughts out of your brain Tommo! My subconscious reminds me. She isn't that kind of person. She still cares about you!

As I snap back to reality I realize that everyone is ready to board the flight and are excitedly bickering about heading to India. Some seemed bummed about not heading to Paris first but oh well...rules are rules.


I load my duffle bag onto the carrier above our seats. I got to sit by the window so I saw the the Earth below us. It was big and beautiful and to think, I'm traveling around this! I pull out my iPod and headphones, select a playlist and get ready for an 8-hour nap, I mean 8-hour flight....nooo I meant nap.

{I'm sorry this chapter was so short! I was just too tired and lazy, but hey! I'll be able to write even more at this point!}

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