53 - Tattoo roulette

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I'd never hated my alarm ringtone more than  the  next morning. A soft smile appeared on my face when i noticed that Harry hold me so tight against him. He's spooning me, he's so warm, sleeping next to Harry is like having a heater in your bed.

"Harry, wake up love, " I try to awake him, his head is stuck on the pillow case. "Baby". He groaned but opened his eyes sleepily . "Time to get up" I whispered to him as I caress his perfect jawline. Waking up next to him every single morning is what i like the most. It makes me start my day on the very right foot.

We hadn't slept a lot last night. After he had showed some real feelings for me, we kept making love all night, and even if he was already tired, it was the best night ever between us. And we'd had a lot of making out. He was caring.

A silly smile had been stuck on my face the whole morning. "What's so funny?" Harry asked leaning against me from behind his hands on my waist. "Nothing. I'm just happy " and he pressed a soft kiss on my neck as he grabs a toast to eat some breakfast.

Today, we're heading to the Late Late show animated by James Corden. They all four have an interview. It would be fun, James Corden is really really fun, he likes being silly with the guys and do stupid things.

Claire, Kate and I were backstage as the guys were getting ready. Gemma left this morning so she won't be there.

I loved Harrys outfit. He's so hot when he wears suits. Today he's wearing a simple black suit with a blue shirt opened letting show his skin. And he's damn good-looking. He pecked my cheek before going on set and shoved his hands.

I'm so captivating by his beauty.


James had imagined a silly game to play with the guys that he called tatoo roulette. If he loses he's gonna get tattooed 1D somewhere on his body and if it's one of the guys they're gonna have late late tattooed.

How insane is that guy?

We all laugh as James  explained the concept but I was a bit worried that Harry might lose. He's already so many tattoos. So I kept my fingers crossed the whole game.

It was a lot of fun. Niall is so stressed out he doesn't have any tattoos so he's obviously the one of the band who really doesn't want to lose. The others are much comfortable to get another stupid one.

Of course what must have happened happened  and Harry lost! He's so cute and they all laugh and Niall was so relieved. He's the only one who didn't get any tattoo so you can imagine how bad it'd have been for him. They all joked all the time about their stupid tattoos the get while being drunk.

"OMG Harry lost! No way he's getting tattooed" Claire and Kate smirked, and I'm a bit confused, hope the tattoo won't be too big. He has so many it shouldn't be too hard to hide though.

Harry pleaded to not have it on the chest and James reassured him by specifying that it'd be a small one. So Harry chose a little space on his arm.

James guided Harry to the tattoo guy and he sat moving his sleeve upper and the guy start to tattoo late late.
Thankfully it's pretty small.

James asked to harry: "are you okay harry ?" And he laughed

Harry to James: James.  My girlfriend won't be happy about this. He smiled while warning James with a serious glare.

James turn his head and look in my direction. Sorry Jenna, but the rules are the rules. Harry you knew the rules before playing this game. He laughed  he's so relieved that he wasn't the one who lost cause he'd had a 1D tattoo somewhere.

Harry to James: You'll deal with this with my girlfriend!

James:" You know what, let's deal with it now, Jenna come with us ! "James signed me to come to set. "I've already met her backstage she's lovely Harry."

Harry: "she is Thanks ", and he smiles.

I don't really have a choice, so I let Claire and Kate giggling and come and sit next to Harry. It will obviously be cut while editing but I'm still uncomfortable and blush. Harry showing to me some good treatment before people is not something I'm used to but I'm pretty glad and my heart started to pound.

James to Jenna: he gets up and greets me with a hug, then I come and sit next to Harry "So, is that new tattoo hot enough for you?"

Me: "I love it, probably the best one"

James: "im sure it is. I love her already, you made a smart choice Harry."

James : Jenna.  "What do you find interesting in this guy I mean. He's good looking. He's rich. He sings.  I don't understand." harry scoffed softly while smiling.

I laugh.

"He's also very generous.  He gives a lot to charity." I'd rather say something interesting and important about Harry I don't want to look like a goldigger.

"He has broken a million of hearts out here you're aware of that?" James asked trying to pout at me.

I smile but feel embarrassed but I'm happy about our relationship being seen as serious.

"No he doesn't  the fans still have his heart. He's still taking selfies  with them  hugging them. Let them approach.  Nothing has changed."

sorry, short chapter, and i was lazy to reread it so hope it's fine.
At first it was a really long chapter it was too long so I divided it.

I'll try to end the story withing 8/10 chapters.

i know everyone has already seen this video but i love it so much, it makes me laugh every single time i watch it. I miss them so much !!!

Hope you're fine

Love Xxxx

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